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ANTI_TAMPERINGAnti Tampering防篡改A methodology used to hinder, or deter unauthorized access to a device.用于阻碍或阻止未经授权访问设备的方法。
ANTISEPTICAntiseptic无菌The process by which a sterile (aseptic) product (typically food or pharmaceutical) is packaged in a sterile container in a way which maintains sterility.无菌产品(通常是食品或药品)以保持无菌的方式包装在无菌容器中的过程。
ATOMIZERAtomizer雾化器A device for reducing a liquid to a fine spray. (e.g., medicine, perfume, etc). An atomizer does not rely on a pressurised container for the propellant.一种使液体变成细喷雾的装置(如:用于药品、香水等)。雾化器不依靠增压容器来装喷射剂。
COATEDCoated有涂层Covered with a material (paraffin, wax) that protects the product or packaging.被用保护产品或包装的材料(石蜡、蜡状物)覆盖住。
COMPRESSEDCompressed压缩Content has been pressed together to the maximum possible way.内装物已经以最大可能的方式被压缩在一起。
DISPENSERDispenser分配器A device or mechanism to supply or extract contents.一个供应或提取内装物的设备或装置。
GIFT_WRAPPEDGift Wrapped礼品包装Packaging is wrapped in a decorative way for the purposes of the consumer giving it as a gift.以装饰性的方式包装,以便消费者能够以此作为馈赠礼物。
ISOTHERMICIsothermic保温Thermal carry container designed for the carriage of temperature controlled goods such as vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and medicines.保温容器旨在运输温控商品,例如疫苗、药剂和药品。
MODIFIED_ATMOSPHEREModified Atmosphere气调包装The practice of modifying the composition of the internal atmosphere of a package, (commonly food packages, and drugs) in order to improve the shelf life.改变包装内部空气组分(一般用于食品包装以及药品),从而延长保质期。
OXYGEN_INFUSEDOxygen Infused注氧A barrier packaging material for an infusion solution, i.e., oxygen. 用于输液剂的阻隔包装材料,即氧气。
PEEL_OFFPeel Off撕拉式A section of the packaging can be detached with ease in order to have access to the content or product, e.g. peel-off Lids used for packing Milk, Coffee and Cacao Powder.包装的一部分可以轻易拆开,以便接触到内装物或产品,例如用于包装牛奶、咖啡和可可粉的撕拉式盖子。
PINPACKPinpack挂式The package is equipped to be hung up on a hook".该包装的结构可以使其挂在挂钩上。
PROTECTEDProtected防护Functionality to keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen, or injured; guard.防止破损、侵蚀、被盗或受损的功能;防护装置。
REINFORCEDReinforced加固A component is added to a container for a particular application to lend additional support under severe applications.为特定用途对容器添加的组件,从而为条件恶劣的应用提供额外支持。
SIFT_PROOFSift Proof防泄漏Packaging is designed to prevent leaking of the content specially when it is on powdered or liquid state.该包装旨在防止内装物泄露,尤其是粉末或液体状的内装物。
TAMPER_EVIDENTTamper Evident防揭换The packaging is designed to show when there has been some interference with the original sealing or configuration of the packaging.该包装能够显露是否对原始密封或包装结构作了手脚。
VACUUM_PACKEDVacuum Packed真空包装Packaging in containers, either rigid or flexible, from which substantially all gases have been removed prior to final sealing of the container.刚性或柔性容器内的包装,在最终密封容器之前,基本上容器内所有气体都已经排出。
WATER_RESISTANTWater Resistant防水Coated with materials that make the packaging impervious to the effects of water.用某种材料涂层,该材料应该使包装不受水的影响。


——标准内容仅供参考,如果您需要解决具体问题,建议您咨询相关领域专业人士。 编辑:王华/中国物品编码中心——本网站所有内容版权为中国物品编码中心所有,未经书面许可,不得进行以营利为目的的转载或传播。


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