全球主数据标准服务平台  >>  电子代码类型  >> *变量贸易项目类型代码(VariableTradeItemTypeCode)










LOOSELoose散装A trade item which is without packaging at the retail level and whose quantity (the individual pieces, amount, or volume) is selected by the consumer and can be either bagged and bar coded by the consumer or bagged and key-entered or scanned at the point of sale. NOTE: In some industries these types of trade items are commonly referred to as BULK. Examples: cold meats and cheese sold in butchers and delicatessens, fudge cut from bars, loose fruit and vegetables, grains, candy, fresh produce, fabric bolts, spooled chain or rope, nails or snacks. A fixed-measure reel of 100 metres of wire is sold from the supplier to the retailer. At the retailer, the consumer may either buy the entire 100-metre reel at a fixed price for the whole reel, or may request a length of wire to be cut to his requirement at a price per metre. A 10 pound case of candy sold to the retailer. The retailer puts this in bins and prices.零售层面无包装的贸易项目,由消费者挑选数量(个数、重量或体积),可以由消费者装袋并且进行条码扫描,或者装袋并且在销售点输入编码或扫描。注意:在有些行业中,这些类型的贸易项目一般被称之为散装货。例如:肉店以及熟食店出售的冷藏肉和奶酪、从长条上切割下的乳脂软糖、散装水果和蔬菜、谷物、糖果、生鲜农产品、卷板布匹、阀芯链或卷筒绳、钉子或零食。由供应商出售给零售商一卷定量100米的电线:在零售商处,消费者既可以以固定价格买下100米整卷,也可以要求按照每米的价格依据其要求切割成定长的电线。出售给零售商一箱10磅的糖果:零售商可以将糖果散放在容器内并定价。 
PRE_PACKEDPre-packed预先包装A variable-measure trade item which is provided with packaging that is assembled or produced by the supplier or by the retailer in advance of sale to the consumer. Examples: cheese and deli meats pre-packed and priced by the retailer, chicken breast pre-packed and priced by the supplier before delivery to the retailer, pre-packed fruit and vegetables sold by weight or count (not a fixed price per pack).带包装的变量贸易项目,该包装在出售给消费者之前由供应商或零售商组装或生产。例如:零售商预先包装和定价的奶酪和熟肉制品、供应商交付给零售商之前预先包装和定价的鸡胸、按重量或者按数量出售的预先包装的水果和蔬菜(每包不是固定的价格)。


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