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1Regulated Products Controlled and Handled by Authorized Personnel for an Authorized User.由获授权人员为获授权用户控制和处理的管制产品Regulated products controlled and handled by authorized personnel for an authorized user for example prescription pharmaceutical, narcotics, prescription strength acetaminophen.由获授权人员控制和处理的用于获授权用户的管制产品,例如处方药、麻醉药品、处方强度对乙酰氨基酚。
2Regulated Product and Controlled管制产品和受控产品Regulated Product and controlled, a user must consult with authorized personnel to acquire product and user does not need authorization to purchase. The user may or may not be of certain legal age to obtain though. For example Model Glue, Spray Paint in the US, Diabetes Kits in CA对于管制产品和受控产品,用户购买该类产品必须向获授权人员咨询并且用户购买不需要授权,不管该用户可能符合或不符合一定的法定年龄。例如模型胶、美国的喷漆、加拿大的糖尿病试剂盒。
3Products Requiring to be Sold in Authorized Location to Distribute Regulated Item Without Consulting Personnel at Location产品需要在授权地点销售,以便在无需咨询当地人员情况下经销监管商品Products requiring to be sold in authorized location to distribute regulated item without consulting personnel at location. For example Items only available in a Pharmacy store in the EU, but available for general purchase without any preauthorization, In the European Union non-prescription strength acetaminophen.产品需要在授权地点销售,以便在无需咨询当地人员情况下经销监管商品。例如,欧盟中的非处方强度对乙酰氨基酚产品只在欧盟药店出售,但在没有任何预授权的情况下可供一般购买。
RESTRICTED_TO_SELL_12Restricted to Sell 12限制向12岁以下人员出售Based upon legal regulatory restrictions it is illegal to sell the trade item to anyone under the age of 12 years old. 根据法律规定的限制,向12岁以下的任何人出售该商品是违法的。
RESTRICTED_TO_SELL_16Restricted to Sell 16限制向16岁以下人员出售Based upon legal regulatory restrictions it is illegal to sell the trade item to anyone under the age of 16 years old.根据法律规定的限制,向16岁以下的任何人出售该商品是违法的。
RESTRICTED_TO_SELL_18Restricted to Sell 18限制向18岁以下人员出售Based upon legal regulatory restrictions it is illegal to sell the trade item to anyone under the age of 18 years old.根据法律规定的限制,向18岁以下的任何人出售该商品是违法的。
RESTRICTED_TO_SELL_21Restricted to Sell 21限制向21岁以下人员出售Based upon legal regulatory restrictions it is illegal to sell the trade item to anyone under the age of 21 years old.根据法律规定的限制,向21岁以下的任何人出售该商品是违法的。
RESTRICTED_TO_SELL_6Restricted to Sell 6限制向6岁以下人员出售Based upon legal regulatory restrictions it is illegal to sell the trade item to anyone under the age of 6 years old.根据法律规定的限制,向6岁以下的任何人出售该商品是违法的。
UNRESTRICTEDUnrestricted不受限制Product available in any outlet with or without authorized personnel present and no authorization needed by user to acquire. For example: In the United States, non-prescription strength acetaminophen and in many markets Shampoo, toothpaste, etc.产品可以在有或无获授权人员在场的情况下在任何零售商店出售, 用户购买无需获取授权。例如:美国的非处方强度对乙酰氨基酚和许多市场的洗发水、牙膏等。




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