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COLLATERAL_ITEMCollateral Item附属品A trade item delivered from a manufacturer to the retail selling floor that is not considered inventory and has no retail value.厂商交付给零售场的贸易项目,不被视为存货并且没有零售价值。
DEMONSTRATION_UNITDemonstration Unit展示装置The trade item is a unit which is designed to demonstrate the product to the end user or consumer.  For example a perfume tester, a lotion dispenser, or an air freshener sprayer/atomizer.该贸易项目是一种旨在为终端用户或消费者展示产品的装置。例如,香水测试器、乳液瓶或空气清新剂喷雾机/喷瓶。
DYNAMIC_ASSORTMENTDynamic Assortment动态组合套装Not available暂无定义。
FSA_ELIGIBLEFSA Eligible符合FSA条件The trade item is eligible to be sold to someone with a Flexible Spending Account (FSA).  FSAs are special accounts you put money into to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs.该贸易项目有资格出售给拥有灵活支出账户(FSA)的人。FSA是一种特殊的账户,你可以把钱存入其中来支付一些自掏腰包的医疗费用。
GIFT_WITH_PURCHASEGift With Purchase购物赠礼A trade item given to a consumer as part of a promotional event, contin-gent on the consumer making a purchase of another item or items. A Gift with Purchase is considered inventory and has no retail value.作为促销活动的内容提供给消费者的贸易项目,前提是消费者购买另外一个商品或多个商品。购物赠礼被视为存货并且没有零售价值。
LIMITED_PRODUCTIONLimited Production限量品Limited Production Run by the Manufacturer/Supplier. This does not mean that retailers will order only once (not a one time buy product), retailers can order until the supplier runs out of stock. Those products are typically called one shot , limited edition.厂商/供应商经营的小批生产。这不表示零售商只会订购一次(不是一次性采购的产品),零售商可以在供应商脱销之前订购。这些产品一般被称为一次性、限量版。
NONFUNCTIONING_DISPLAY_UNITNonfunctioning Display Unit无功能展示品Indicates that a trade item is a non-functioning Trade Item, used for display purposes only. Typically it is the shell of the trade item that it represents. Relevant to when the non-functioning Trade Item has to actually be ordered from the supplier.表示贸易项目是无功能的贸易项目,只用于展示目的。通常是代表贸易项目的外壳。用于必须从供应商处订购无功能贸易项目时。
NOT_FOR_RESALE_TO_CONSUMERNot For Resale To Consumer不得出售给消费者Trade items purchased by a retailer for internal use only, not for sale to consumers.零售商购买的贸易项目仅供内部使用,不用于出售给消费者。
PURCHASE_WITH_PURCHASEPurchase With Purchase再购优惠品A trade item sold to a consumer at a special price as part of a promotional event, contingent on the consumer purchasing another item or items. A Purchase with Purchase is considered inventory and has a retail value.作为促销活动的内容,以特殊价格出售给消费者的贸易项目,前提是消费者购买另外一个商品或多个商品。购买后再购物优惠的商品被视为存货并具有零售价值。
SNAP_ELIGIBLESNAP Eligible符合SNAP条件Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - SNAP offers nutrition assistance to millions of eligible, low-income individuals and families and provides economic benefits to communities. SNAP is the largest program in the US hunger safety net. The Food and Nutrition Service works with State agencies, nutrition educators, and neighbourhood and faith-based organisations to ensure that those eligible for nutrition assistance can make informed decisions about applying for the program and can access benefits. Products are set to be SNAP eligible.补充营养援助计划(SNAP) - SNAP为数百万符合条件的低收入个人和家庭提供营养援助,并为社区提供经济利益。SNAP是美国饥饿安全网中最大的项目。食品和营养服务处与国家机构、营养教育工作者、社区和宗教组织合作,确保有资格获得营养援助的人能够就申请该项目做出明智的决定,并获得福利。产品被设置为可快速合格。
TRAVEL_SIZETravel Size旅行装The item is specifically designed in size to be convenient for traveling.该产品的大小设计是为了方便旅行。
WIC_ELIGIBLEWIC Eligible符合WIC条件WIC - Women, Infants & Children WIC is administered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). WIC gives access to healthy food, nutrition education and breastfeeding guidance. Pregnant, a caregiver, or a mom with a child under 5, can get the right personalized support for their family from products eligible to the WIC program.WIC -妇女、婴儿和儿童WIC由美国农业部(USDA)管理。WIC提供健康食品、营养教育和母乳喂养指导。孕妇、护理人员或有5岁以下孩子的母亲,可以从符合WIC项目条件的产品中为家人获得正确的个性化支持。


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