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20G0General Purpose Container通用集装箱20′ long container, 8′ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends20′长、8′高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
20G1General Purpose Container - Passive Vents通用集装箱——设有透气孔20′ long container, 8′ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space20′长、8′高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
20H0Thermal containers, refrigerated and/or heated with removable equipment 8 Feet Tall.保温集装箱——8英尺高,冷藏和(或)加热设备可拆卸20′ long container, 8′ tall container, and refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K20′长、8′高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。
22G0General Purpose Container - Openings at one or both ends通用集装箱——一端或两端开门20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends20′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
22G1General Purpose Container - Passive Vents at Upper Part of cargo space.通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space20′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
22H0Thermal containers, refrigerated and/or heated with removable equipment 8.6 Feet Tall.保温集装箱——8.6英尺高,冷藏和(或)加热设备可拆卸20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K20′长、8′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。
22P120 Foot Flat Platform Container20英尺长的平台式集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Fixed, two complete and fixed ends20′长、8′6″高的集装箱——固定式,有完整固定端壁。
22P320 Foot Flat Collapsible Platform Container20英尺长的折叠式平台集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Folding (collapsible), folding complete end structure20′长、8′6″高的集装箱——折叠式(可折叠),完整折叠式端壁结构。
22R120 Foot Reefer Container Mechanically Heated Cooled20英尺长的冷藏集装箱——机械加热制冷20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Mechanically refrigerated and heated20′长、8′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热。
22R720 Foot Reefer Container Gen F20英尺长的冷藏集装箱——Gen F电源Build-in Gen f. Power Supply of Reef: 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container内置Gen F电源的冷藏集装箱:20′长、8′6″高。
22U120 Foot Open Top Container20英尺长的开顶集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - 20 Foot Open Top Container20英尺长的开顶集装箱:20′长、8′6″高。
22U620 Foot Hard Top Container20英尺长的硬顶集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall hardtop container20′长、8′6″高的硬顶集装箱。
22V0General Purpose Container with Non-mechanical Ventilation.无机械通风系统的通用集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Fantainer - Non-mechanical, vents at lower and upper parts of cargo space20′长、8′6″高的Fantainer集装箱——无机械通风系统,货物上部和底部空间设有通风口。
22V2General Purpose Container with Mechanical Ventilation有机械通风系统的通用集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Fantainer - Mechanical ventilation system located internally20′长、8′6″高的Fantainer集装箱——箱体内部设有机械通风系统。
22V3General purpose Container with Ventilation有通风系统的通用集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container20′长、8′6″高的集装箱。
25G020 Foot Unventilated General Purpose Container20英尺长的无通风系统的通用集装箱General Purpose container: 20′ long, 9′6″ tall - Openings at one or both ends20′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
26G0Unventilated General Purpose Container Overheight无通风系统的超高通用集装箱20′ long container, > 9′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends20′长、  > 9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
26H020 Foot High Cube Insulated Container20英尺长的高柜隔热集装箱20′ long container, > 9′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K20′长、 > 9′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。
2CG120 Foot Dry General Purpose Container20英尺长的干货通用集装箱20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Vents in upper part of cargo space20′长、8′6″高的集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
2EG0High Cube Container Width 2.5 Metre.2.5米宽的高柜集装箱20′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends20′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
42G040 Foot Dry General Purpose Container Open Both Ends40英尺长的干货通用集装箱,两端开门General Purpose Container: 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container and general. Openings at one or both ends.40′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
42G1Unventilated General Purpose Container无通风系统的通用集装箱40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container and general. Openings at one or both ends40′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
42H040 Foot Insulated Container40英尺长的隔热集装箱40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K40′长、8′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。
42P140 Foot Flat Platform Container40英尺长的平台式集装箱40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Fixed, two complete and fixed ends40′长、8′6″高的集装箱——固定式,有完整固定端壁。
42P340 Foot Flat Collapsible Platform Container40英尺长的折叠式平台集装箱40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Folding (collapsible), folding complete end structure40′长、8′6″高的集装箱——折叠式(可折叠),完整折叠式端壁结构。
42R140 Foot Reefer Container Mechanically Refrigerated and Heated 40英尺冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Mechanically refrigerated and heated40′长、8′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热。
42R340 Foot Reefer Container Self-powered Mechanically 40英尺长的冷藏集装箱——自备动力的机械制冷和加热40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Self-powered mechanically refrigerated and heated40′长、8′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——自备动力的机械制冷和加热。
42U140 Foot Open Top Container40英尺长的开顶集装箱40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - 40 Foot Open Top Container40英尺长的开顶集装箱:40′长、8′6″高。
42U640 Foot Hard Top Container40英尺长的硬顶集装箱40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container40′长、8′6″高的硬顶集装箱。
45G040 Foot High Cube Dry Container40英尺长的高柜干货集装箱40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends40′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
45G140 Foot High Cube Dry Container Vents in Upper Part of Cargo Space40英尺长的高柜干货集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space40′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
45R140 Foot High Cube Reefer Container40英尺长的高柜冷藏集装箱40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Mechanically refrigerated and heated40′长、9′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热。
45U640 Foot High Cube Hard Top Container40英尺长的高柜硬顶集装箱40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container40′长、9′6″高的硬顶集装箱。
46H040 Foot High Cube Insulated Container40英尺长的高柜隔热集装箱40′ long container, > 9′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K40′长、> 9′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。
4CG0General Purpose Container Width 2.5 Metre2.5米宽的通用集装箱General Purpose Container- 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends40′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。
4CG140 Foot Dry General Purpose Container40英尺长的干货通用集装箱40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Vents in upper part of cargo space40′长、8′6″高的集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
4EG140 Foot High Cube Dry General Purpose Container40英尺长的高柜干货通用集装箱40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container - Vents in upper part of cargo space40′长、9′6″高的集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
L0G145 Foot Dry High Cube Container45英尺长的高柜干货集装箱45′ long container, 8′ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space45′长、8′高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
L2G145 Foot Dry High Cube Container 8.6 Feet Tall45英尺长、8.6英尺高的高柜干货集装箱45′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space45′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。
L5G145 Foot Dry High Cube Container 9.6 Feet Tall45英尺长、9.6英尺高的高柜干货集装箱45′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space45′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。




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