代码值 | 代码名称 | 代码值定义 | ||
英文 | 中文 | 英文 | 中文 | |
20G0 | General Purpose Container | 通用集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends | 20′长、8′高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
20G1 | General Purpose Container - Passive Vents | 通用集装箱——设有透气孔 | 20′ long container, 8′ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space | 20′长、8′高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
20H0 | Thermal containers, refrigerated and/or heated with removable equipment 8 Feet Tall. | 保温集装箱——8英尺高,冷藏和(或)加热设备可拆卸 | 20′ long container, 8′ tall container, and refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K | 20′长、8′高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。 |
22G0 | General Purpose Container - Openings at one or both ends | 通用集装箱——一端或两端开门 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends | 20′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
22G1 | General Purpose Container - Passive Vents at Upper Part of cargo space. | 通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space | 20′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
22H0 | Thermal containers, refrigerated and/or heated with removable equipment 8.6 Feet Tall. | 保温集装箱——8.6英尺高,冷藏和(或)加热设备可拆卸 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K | 20′长、8′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。 |
22P1 | 20 Foot Flat Platform Container | 20英尺长的平台式集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Fixed, two complete and fixed ends | 20′长、8′6″高的集装箱——固定式,有完整固定端壁。 |
22P3 | 20 Foot Flat Collapsible Platform Container | 20英尺长的折叠式平台集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Folding (collapsible), folding complete end structure | 20′长、8′6″高的集装箱——折叠式(可折叠),完整折叠式端壁结构。 |
22R1 | 20 Foot Reefer Container Mechanically Heated Cooled | 20英尺长的冷藏集装箱——机械加热制冷 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Mechanically refrigerated and heated | 20′长、8′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热。 |
22R7 | 20 Foot Reefer Container Gen F | 20英尺长的冷藏集装箱——Gen F电源 | Build-in Gen f. Power Supply of Reef: 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container | 内置Gen F电源的冷藏集装箱:20′长、8′6″高。 |
22U1 | 20 Foot Open Top Container | 20英尺长的开顶集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - 20 Foot Open Top Container | 20英尺长的开顶集装箱:20′长、8′6″高。 |
22U6 | 20 Foot Hard Top Container | 20英尺长的硬顶集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall hardtop container | 20′长、8′6″高的硬顶集装箱。 |
22V0 | General Purpose Container with Non-mechanical Ventilation. | 无机械通风系统的通用集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Fantainer - Non-mechanical, vents at lower and upper parts of cargo space | 20′长、8′6″高的Fantainer集装箱——无机械通风系统,货物上部和底部空间设有通风口。 |
22V2 | General Purpose Container with Mechanical Ventilation | 有机械通风系统的通用集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Fantainer - Mechanical ventilation system located internally | 20′长、8′6″高的Fantainer集装箱——箱体内部设有机械通风系统。 |
22V3 | General purpose Container with Ventilation | 有通风系统的通用集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container | 20′长、8′6″高的集装箱。 |
25G0 | 20 Foot Unventilated General Purpose Container | 20英尺长的无通风系统的通用集装箱 | General Purpose container: 20′ long, 9′6″ tall - Openings at one or both ends | 20′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
26G0 | Unventilated General Purpose Container Overheight | 无通风系统的超高通用集装箱 | 20′ long container, > 9′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends | 20′长、 > 9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
26H0 | 20 Foot High Cube Insulated Container | 20英尺长的高柜隔热集装箱 | 20′ long container, > 9′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K | 20′长、 > 9′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。 |
2CG1 | 20 Foot Dry General Purpose Container | 20英尺长的干货通用集装箱 | 20′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Vents in upper part of cargo space | 20′长、8′6″高的集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
2EG0 | High Cube Container Width 2.5 Metre. | 2.5米宽的高柜集装箱 | 20′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends | 20′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
42G0 | 40 Foot Dry General Purpose Container Open Both Ends | 40英尺长的干货通用集装箱,两端开门 | General Purpose Container: 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container and general. Openings at one or both ends. | 40′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
42G1 | Unventilated General Purpose Container | 无通风系统的通用集装箱 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container and general. Openings at one or both ends | 40′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
42H0 | 40 Foot Insulated Container | 40英尺长的隔热集装箱 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K | 40′长、8′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。 |
42P1 | 40 Foot Flat Platform Container | 40英尺长的平台式集装箱 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Fixed, two complete and fixed ends | 40′长、8′6″高的集装箱——固定式,有完整固定端壁。 |
42P3 | 40 Foot Flat Collapsible Platform Container | 40英尺长的折叠式平台集装箱 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Folding (collapsible), folding complete end structure | 40′长、8′6″高的集装箱——折叠式(可折叠),完整折叠式端壁结构。 |
42R1 | 40 Foot Reefer Container Mechanically Refrigerated and Heated | 40英尺冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Mechanically refrigerated and heated | 40′长、8′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热。 |
42R3 | 40 Foot Reefer Container Self-powered Mechanically | 40英尺长的冷藏集装箱——自备动力的机械制冷和加热 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Self-powered mechanically refrigerated and heated | 40′长、8′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——自备动力的机械制冷和加热。 |
42U1 | 40 Foot Open Top Container | 40英尺长的开顶集装箱 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - 40 Foot Open Top Container | 40英尺长的开顶集装箱:40′长、8′6″高。 |
42U6 | 40 Foot Hard Top Container | 40英尺长的硬顶集装箱 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container | 40′长、8′6″高的硬顶集装箱。 |
45G0 | 40 Foot High Cube Dry Container | 40英尺长的高柜干货集装箱 | 40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends | 40′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
45G1 | 40 Foot High Cube Dry Container Vents in Upper Part of Cargo Space | 40英尺长的高柜干货集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔 | 40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space | 40′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
45R1 | 40 Foot High Cube Reefer Container | 40英尺长的高柜冷藏集装箱 | 40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and Integral Reefer - Mechanically refrigerated and heated | 40′长、9′6″高的一体式冷藏集装箱——机械制冷和加热。 |
45U6 | 40 Foot High Cube Hard Top Container | 40英尺长的高柜硬顶集装箱 | 40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container | 40′长、9′6″高的硬顶集装箱。 |
46H0 | 40 Foot High Cube Insulated Container | 40英尺长的高柜隔热集装箱 | 40′ long container, > 9′6″ tall container, and Refrigerated or heated with removable equipment located externally; heat transfer coefficient K=0.4W/M2.K | 40′长、> 9′6″高、冷藏和(或)加热设备外置且可拆卸的集装箱;传热系数K=0.4W/M2.K。 |
4CG0 | General Purpose Container Width 2.5 Metre | 2.5米宽的通用集装箱 | General Purpose Container- 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Openings at one or both ends | 40′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——一端或两端开门。 |
4CG1 | 40 Foot Dry General Purpose Container | 40英尺长的干货通用集装箱 | 40′ long container, 8′6″ tall container - Vents in upper part of cargo space | 40′长、8′6″高的集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
4EG1 | 40 Foot High Cube Dry General Purpose Container | 40英尺长的高柜干货通用集装箱 | 40′ long container, 9′6″ tall container - Vents in upper part of cargo space | 40′长、9′6″高的集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
L0G1 | 45 Foot Dry High Cube Container | 45英尺长的高柜干货集装箱 | 45′ long container, 8′ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space | 45′长、8′高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
L2G1 | 45 Foot Dry High Cube Container 8.6 Feet Tall | 45英尺长、8.6英尺高的高柜干货集装箱 | 45′ long container, 8′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space | 45′长、8′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |
L5G1 | 45 Foot Dry High Cube Container 9.6 Feet Tall | 45英尺长、9.6英尺高的高柜干货集装箱 | 45′ long container, 9′6″ tall container, and General - Passive vents at upper part of cargo space | 45′长、9′6″高的通用集装箱——货物上部空间设有透气孔。 |