全球主数据标准服务平台  >>  电子代码类型  >> *贸易渠道代码(TradeChannelCode)



AGRICULTUREAgricultureSpecifies a trade channel for sale of products to agricultural holdings and farms, horticulture, home and garden.
CASH_AND_CARRYCash And CarryCash and carry is a form of trade in which goods are sold from a wholesale warehouse operated either on a self-service basis, or on the basis of samples or a combination of the two. This is sometimes referred to as club in some markets.
CONVENIENCEConvenienceSmall format retail store often outside or annexed to a gas/fuel station.
DRUGDrugOrganisations or departments engaged in retailing prescription or nonprescription drugs and medicines. This is otherwise known as Retail Pharmacy.
DRUG_STOREDrugstoreEstablishment that offers personal care goods, toiletries and non-controlled drugs which can be obtained without a prescription. Within the Netherlands this establishment is a different than a retail pharmacy (referred to in the code list as DRUG).
FOOD_SERVICEFood ServiceTrade channel that sells prepared food, for example restaurants, hotels, clubs.
GROCERYGroceryOrganisations or departments primarily engaged in retailing a general line of food products.
HARD_LINESHard LinesOrganisations or departments primarily engaged in retailing a general line of hardware items, such as tools and builders' hardware.
HEALTHCAREHealthcareTrade channel where products such as medicines, medical devices and healthcare consumables are used for the direct delivery of healthcare services. It specifically excludes products such as stationery, detergents, carrier bags etc. that may be sold to hospitals.
HOME_GOODSHome GoodsOrganisations or departments primarily engaged in retailing a general line of domestic goods, such as furniture and furnishings, home décor, home accessories.
HOSPITALHospitalThe distribution and use of this trade item is "intramural" (within the walls of a clinic or hospital). These products may not be always supplied through a hospital pharmacy and may be used directly at the clinic.
HOSPITAL_PHARMACYHospital PharmacyDrug or medical device can be dispensed from a hospital pharmacy. Can be related to government funded/subsidized reimbursement list/agency. Can also apply to orphan drugs, special drugs.
INDUSTRIALIndustrialA marketing intermediary, roughly equivalent to a wholesaler in consumer markets, who purchases industrial products in bulk from manufacturers for resale to other industrial users
INSTITUTIONALInstitutionalTrade channel where the trade item is sold  to  institutions, such as, education departments, colleges, schools, research  centres, etc.
MASS_MERCHANDISINGMass MerchandisingTrade channel, which is a huge retail store offering a very wide range of product categories such as accessories, appliances, clothing, furniture, office equipment and stationery, and shoes.
MILITARYMilitarySale of items to the military.
ONLINEOnlineA trade channel where the trade item is sold through the internet. The consumer purchases the trade item online and the trade item is shipped either directly to the consumer or to a designated pick-up location.
SPECIALTY_RETAILSpecialty RetailRetailer concentrating on selling one merchandise line of goods for a particular and usually selective clientele. Examples are stores selling electronics, bagels, leather goods, organic foods, imported china, cosmetics, etc. Specialty retailers have a narrow but deep selection in their specialty. 
UNSPECIFIEDUnspecifiedTrade Channel unknown or not relevant.
VENDINGVendingThe retailing merchandise through vending machines.
VENDOR_LEASED_SPACEVendor Leased SpaceA trade channel where the trade item is sold through a retailer within a retailer for example a rack jobber.




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