全球主数据标准服务平台  >>  电子代码类型  >> *运行模式代码(RunModeCode)



DOWNLOAD_ACQUISITIONDownload AcquisitionThe product is connected to a power source, produces neither sound nor a picture, and is downloading information and/or otherwise communicating with a connected device through a network protocol.
IDLEIdleA low power mode for electronic devices such as computers and televisions. Note: this mode is similar to standby.
OFFOffProduct is not fulfilling any function nor is it in standby mode.
ONOnProduct is fulfilling its primary function.
OUTPUTOutputTrade Item produces some kind of output based upon running. Example watts, BTU, Flow Rate
SLEEPSleepA low power mode for electronic devices such as computers and televisions. Note: this mode is similar to standby.
STANDBYStandbyProduct is not fulfill its primary function but still uses some electrical power.


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