Definition:A Trade Item is any product or service upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information and that may be priced, ordered or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. The term “trade item” is not to be confused with the legacy term “traded item” (now referred to within the GS1 General Specifications as ‘standard trade item group’which can mean a specific product containment level, which is also called case. “Trade item” can represent any level of product containment, and also can represent a service.定义:贸易项目是指任意一项产品或服务,对于该产品或服务,需要获取预先定义的信息,从而可以在供应链的任意环节进行标价、订购或开具发票。不要将“贸易项目”与旧术语“交易项目”相混淆(现在,后者在《GS1通用技术规范》中被称为“标准贸易项目组”,可以指一个特定的产品包装级别,即箱)。“贸易项目”既可代表产品包装的任意一个级别,同时也可以代表一项服务。类型:CLASS(类)Cardinality(基数):1..1字符长度:数据类型:BMS代码表ID:xPath:/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotificationMessage/transaction/documentCommand/catalogue_item_notification:catalogueItemNotification/catalogueItem/tradeItem