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ADMDMAgence du Médicament de Madagascar马达加斯加药品管理局Agency du Médicament de Madagascar manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Madagascar - MG马达加斯加药品管理局负责管理马达加斯加医疗产品的市场授权。
AIGActive Ingredient Number活性成分编号The Active Ingredient Group Number specifies the a number assigned by Health Canada in the Drug Product Database. The AIG number is a 10 digit number that identifies products that have the same active ingredient(s) and ingredient strength(s).活性成分组编号(AIG)是指加拿大卫生部在药物产品数据库中分配的编号。AIG编号由10个数字组成,用于识别具相同活性成分和成分强度的产品。
ANVISANational Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA)巴西国家卫生监督局(ANVISA)National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Brazil - BR巴西国家卫生监督局(ANVISA)负责管理巴西医疗产品的市场授权。
ARFAAgência de Regulação e Supervisão dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e Alimentares (ARFA)佛得角食品药品监督管理局(ARFA)Agência de Regulação e Supervisão dos Produtos Farmacêuticos e Alimentares (ARFA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Cape Verde - CV佛得角食品药品监督管理局(ARFA)负责管理佛得角医疗产品的市场授权。
ARTG_IDAustralian Register of Therapeutic Goods澳大利亚治疗用品管理局The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is a government organisation responsible for the regulation of therapeutic goods such as medicines and medical devices. Once a product is accepted for sale in Australia (via TGA approval) this item is listed on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). All goods within Australia, or to be exported from Australia, must be present on this list before they can be available. Information held in the database includes the name of the product, what it contains and manufacturer details.澳大利亚治疗用品管理局(TGA)是一个负责监管治疗用品(如:药品和医疗器械)的政府组织。一旦某一产品可在澳大利亚销售(经TGA批准),该项产品即被列入澳大利亚治疗用品登记表(ARTG)。澳大利亚境内及从澳大利亚出口的所有商品在进入市场之前必须列入在该列表中。数据库中的信息包括产品名称、产品成分和制造商详细信息。
AU_PROSTHESES_REBATE_CODEAustralian Prostheses Rebate Code澳大利亚假肢补助代码In Australia the federal government, through the Department of Health and Ageing, provide a rebate to private health hospitals or clinics to cover the cost of any prostheses that are fitted to a patient. This rebate is designed to cover the costs incurred by the provider. Every product is given a ‘billing code’ from the Department of Health and Ageing. This is used by the provider to communicate the rebate request to the government. 在澳大利亚,联邦政府通过卫生与老年人事务部为私人保健医院或诊所提供补助,以支付为一名患者安装任何假肢的费用。该补助旨在支付由服务提供者所发生的费用。每个产品均由卫生与老年人事务部给定一个‘计费代码’,以供服务提供者向政府提出补助请求。
BFRBFRBFRThe Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BFR) in the field of consumer health protection. It is the scientific agency of the Federal Republic of Germany which is responsible for preparing expert reports and opinions on food and feed safety as well as on the safety of substances and products. In this context, the Institute plays an important role in improving consumer protection and food safety. BFR reports to the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV).
The BFR number is a so-called product identification element (PI element).  The PI element consists of the five-digit BFR company code and a four-digit number allocated by the manufacturer itself. The number sequence ends with details of the hazard characteristics of the product (for instance, irritant, corrosive or toxic).
BNDABahamas National Drug Agency (BNDA)巴哈马国家药物管理局(BNDA)Bahamas National Drug Agency (BNDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bahamas - BS巴哈马国家药物管理局(BNDA)负责管理巴哈马医疗产品的市场授权。
BUYER_ASSIGNEDBuyer Assigned由买方分配A proprietary internal identification number assigned by a data recipient, used to identify trade items purchased from each trading partner with whom they engage in a commercial relationship.由数据接收方分配的一个专有内部标识号,用于识别从与之建立商业关系的每个贸易伙伴那里购买的贸易项目。 
CDSCOCentral Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO)印度中央药品标准控制组织(CDSCO)Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in India - IN印度中央药品标准控制组织(CDSCO)负责管理印度医疗产品的市场授权。
DAVDrug Administration of Vietnam (DAV)越南药品管理局(DAV)Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Viet Nam - VN越南药品管理局(DAV)负责管理越南医疗产品的市场授权。
DDA_NPDepartment of Drug Administration (DDA)尼泊尔药品管理局(DDA)Department of Drug Administration (DDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Nepal - NP尼泊尔药品管理局(DDA)负责管理尼泊尔医疗产品的市场授权。
DDF_KHDepartment of Drugs and Food (DDF)柬埔寨药品食品管理局(DDF)Department of Drugs and Food (DDF) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Cambodia - KH柬埔寨药品食品管理局(DDF)负责管理柬埔寨医疗产品的市场授权。
DDSMEDepartment of Drug Supply and Medical Equipment吉尔吉斯斯坦药品供应及医疗器械管理局Department of Drug Supply and Medical Equipment manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Kyrgyzstan - KG吉尔吉斯斯坦药品供应及医疗器械管理局负责管理吉尔吉斯斯坦医疗产品的市场授权。
DGDADirectorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA)孟加拉药品管理总署(DGDA)Directorate General of Drug Administration (DGDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bangladesh - BD孟加拉药品管理总署(DGDA)负责管理孟加拉医疗产品的市场授权。
DGPML_BFDirection Générale de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DGPML)布基纳法索药房、药品及实验室监督管理总署(DGPML)Direction Générale de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DGPML) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Burkina Faso - BF布基纳法索药房、药品及实验室监督管理总署(DGPML)负责管理布基纳法索医疗产品的市场授权。
DGPML_BJDirection General of Pharmacy, Medicine and Pharmacy  Laboratories (DGPML)贝宁药房、药品及制药实验室监督管理总署(DGPML)Direction General of Pharmacy, Medicine and Pharmacy  Laboratories (DGPML) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Benin - BJ贝宁药房、药品及制药实验室监督管理总署(DGPML)负责管理贝宁医疗产品的市场授权。
DGRSDireccion General de Regulacion Sanitaria (DGRS)洪都拉斯卫生监管总署(DGRS)Direccion General de Regulacion Sanitaria (DGRS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Honduras - HN洪都拉斯卫生监管总署(DGRS)负责管理洪都拉斯医疗产品的市场授权。
DIGEMID_MINSADirección General de Medicamentos (DIGEMID-MINSA)秘鲁药品监督管理总署(DIGEMID-MINSA)Dirección General de Medicamentos (DIGEMID-MINSA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Peru - PE秘鲁药品监督管理总署(DIGEMID-MINSA)负责管理秘鲁医疗产品的市场授权。
DINDINDINThe Drug Identification Number: The number located on the label of prescription and over-the-counter drug products that have been evaluated by the Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD) and approved for sale in Canada.加拿大药品标识号:由医疗产品司(TPD)进行评估并获准在加拿大销售的处方药和非处方药标签上的号码。
DIN_HMDIN HMDIN HMDrug Identification Number – Homeopathic: This is the number located on the label of homeopathic drug products that have been approved for sale in Canada.加拿大药品标识号——顺势疗法:是指已获批在加拿大出售的顺势治疗药品标签上的编号。
DISTRIBUTOR_ASSIGNEDDistributor Assigned由分销商分配The additional Trade Item Identification value populated has been developed and assigned by an entity which purchases and takes title to goods which are then resold / redistributed elsewhere.该贸易项目标识号由购买并获得货物所有权、进而向他地转售/再分销该货物的某个实体进行编制和分配。
DLPDirection des Laboratoires et des Pharmacies科摩罗实验室及药房监督管理局Direction des Laboratoires et des Pharmacies manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Comoros - KM科摩罗实验室及药房监督管理署负责管理科摩罗医疗产品的市场授权。
DNM_SVDirección Nacional de Medicamentos (DNM)萨尔瓦多国家药品监督管理局(DNM)Dirección Nacional de Medicamentos (DNM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in El Salvador - SV萨尔瓦多国家药品监督管理局(DNM)负责管理萨尔瓦多医疗产品的市场授权。
DNPLDirection Nationale de la Pharmacie et du Laboratoire几内亚国家药房及实验室监督管理局Direction Nationale de la Pharmacie et du Laboratoire manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guinea - GN几内亚国家药房及实验室监督管理局负责管理几内亚医疗产品的市场授权。
DPL Direction de la Pharmacie et des Laboratoires塞内加尔药房及实验室监督管理局Direction de la Pharmacie et des Laboratoires manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Senegal - SN塞内加尔药房及实验室监督管理局负责管理塞内加尔医疗产品的市场授权。
DPLMTDirection des Dervices Pharmaceutiques des Laboratoires et de la Médecine Traditionnelle中非共和国实验室及传统医学医药服务管理局Direction des services Pharmaceutiques des laboratoires et de la Médecine Traditionnelle manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Central African Republic - CF中非共和国实验室及传统医学医药服务管理局负责管理中非共和国医疗产品的市场授权。
DPM_CDDirection de la Pharmacie et du Médicament DPM Democratic Republic of Congo 刚果民主共和国药房药品监督管理局(DPM)Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Congo, Democratic Republic of - CD刚果民主共和国药房药品监督管理局(DPM)负责管理刚果民主共和国医疗产品的市场授权。
DPM_CIDirection de la Pharmacie et du Médicament DPM Côte d'Ivoire 科特迪瓦药房药品监督管理局(DPM)Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament (DPM) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Côte d'Ivoire - CI科特迪瓦药房药品监督管理局(DPM)负责管理科特迪瓦医疗产品的市场授权。
DPM_MLDirection de la Pharmacie et du Médicament马里药房药品监督管理局Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicament manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Mali - ML马里药房药品监督管理局负责管理马里医疗产品的市场授权。
DPMLDirection de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DPML)喀麦隆药房药品及实验室监督管理局(DPML)Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires (DPML) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Cameroon - CM喀麦隆药房药品及实验室监督管理局(DPML)负责管理喀麦隆医疗产品的市场授权。
DPMLMOHDepartment of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratory, Ministry of Health布隆迪卫生部药房药品及实验室监督管理局Department of Pharmacy, Medicines and Laboratory, Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Burundi - BI布隆迪卫生部药房药品及实验室监督管理局负责管理布隆迪医疗产品的市场授权。
DRA_BTDrug Regulatory Authority (DRA)不丹药品监督管理局(DRA)Drug Regulatory Authority (DRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bhutan - BT不丹药品监督管理局(DRA)负责管理不丹医疗产品的市场授权。
DRAPDrug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP)巴基斯坦药品监督管理局(DRAP)Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Pakistan - PK巴基斯坦药品监督管理局(DRAP)负责管理巴基斯坦医疗产品的市场授权。
DTAMOHDirectorate of Technical Affairs in the Ministry of Health伊拉克卫生部技术事务局Directorate of Technical Affairs in the Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Iraq - IQ伊拉克卫生部技术事务局负责管理伊拉克医疗产品的市场授权。
EDAEgyptian Drug Authority (EDA)埃及药品管理局(EDA)Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Egypt - EG埃及药品管理局(EDA)负责管理埃及医疗产品的市场授权。
EPDEPDEPDElectronisk Produkt Database Identifier:电子产品数据库标识符。
EU_MEDICAL_PRODUCT_NUMBEREU Medical Product Number欧盟医疗产品编号The European Commission for Public Health has procedures for centrally authorised medical products, and holds community registers for: - medical products for human use (regulation (EC) 726/2004) - orphan medical products for human use (regulation (EC) N141/2000) - veterinary medical products (regulation (EE) 726/2004).欧盟公共卫生委员会(European Commission for Public Health)拥有集中授权医疗产品的程序,并为以下医疗产品提供社区注册:供人类使用的医疗产品(欧盟委员会第726/2004号条例);供人类使用的罕见病用医疗产品(欧盟委员会第141/2000号条例);兽医医疗产品(欧盟委员会第726/2004号条例)。
FDA_MEDICAL_DEVICE_LISTINGFDA Medical Device Listing美国FDA医疗器械列名Most Owners or operators of places of business (also called establishments or facilities) that are involved in the production and distribution of medical devices intended for use in the United States (U.S.) are required to list the devices that are made at their facility and the activities that are performed on those devices.  Registration and listing provides FDA with the location of medical device establishments and the devices manufactured at those establishments. Knowing where devices are made increases the nation’s ability to prepare for and respond to public health emergencies.大多数参与生产和销售旨在美国使用的医疗器械的营业场所(或称企业或厂房设施)业主或运营商被要求列出在他们的厂房设施生产的医疗器械以及对这些器械执行的各项活动。医疗器械注册和列表信息为FDA提供了医疗器械企业的位置及这些企业生产的医疗器械。了解医疗器械的生产位置提高了国家准备和应对突发公共卫生事件的能力。
FDA_MMFood and Drug Administration (FDA)  Myanmar 缅甸食品药品监督管理局(FDA)Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Myanmar - MM缅甸食品药品监督管理局(FDA)负责管理缅甸医疗产品的市场授权。
FDA_NDC_10FDA NDC 10FDA NDC 10The National Drug Code of the United States of America is a unique 10-digit, 3-segment number assigned to each medication listed under Section 510 of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The number identifies the labeller or vendor, product, and trade package size.该美国国家药品代码是分配给《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》第510条下所列的每种药品的一个唯一10位数、3段号码。该号码用于识别贴标者或供应商、产品和贸易包大小。
FDA_NDC_11FDA NDC 11FDA NDC 11The National Drug Code of the United States of America is a unique 11-digit, 3-segment number assigned to each medication listed under Section 510 of the U.S. Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The number identifies the labeller or vendor, product, and trade package size.该美国国家药品代码是分配给《联邦食品、药品和化妆品法案》第510条下所列的每种药品的唯一一个11位数、3段号码。该号码用于识别贴标者或供应商、产品和贸易包大小。
FDA_PHFood and Drug Administration (FDA) Philippines菲律宾食品药品监督管理局(FDA)Food and Drug Administration (FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Philippines - PH菲律宾食品药品监督管理局(FDA)负责管理菲律宾医疗产品的市场授权。
FDA_PRODUCT_CODEFDA Product CodeFDA产品代码The FDA Product Code describes a product or a group of products.  It is a seven-character alphanumeric string composed of five components, the Product Industry Code, the Class Code, the Subclass Code, the Process Indicator Code, and the Group Code.  For more in-depth information about the FDA Product Code, see Lessons 1, 3 and 4 of the FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) Product Code Builder Tutorial (http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/ora/pcb/tutorial/tutorial.cfm).  FDA产品代码描述一个产品或一组产品。它是一个由七个字符组成的字母数字字符串,包括五个部分:产品行业代码、类代码、子类代码、过程指标代码和组织代码。欲了解有关FDA产品代码的更多详细信息,请参见美国FDA监管事务办公室产品代码生成器教程的课程1、3和4
FDA_THThai Food and Drug Administration (Thai FDA)泰国食品药品监督管理局(Thai FDA)Thai Food and Drug Administration (Thai FDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Thailand - TH泰国食品药品监督管理局(Thai FDA)负责管理泰国医疗产品的市场授权。
FDBFood and Drugs Board (FDB)加纳食品药品管理局(FDB)Food and Drugs Board (FDB) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ghana - GH加纳食品药品管理局(FDB)负责管理加纳医疗产品的市场授权。
FDDFood and Drug Department老挝食品药品监督局Food and Drug Department manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Lao People’s Democratic Republic - LA老挝人民民主共和国食品药品监督局负责管理老挝医疗产品的市场授权。
FMHACA_ETFood, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control of Ethiopia (FMHACA)埃塞俄比亚食品、药品及医疗卫生管理和控制局(FMHACA)Food, Medicine and Health Care Administration and Control of Ethiopia (FMHACA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ethiopia - ET埃塞俄比亚食品、药品及医疗卫生管理和控制局(FMHACA)负责管理埃塞俄比亚医疗产品的市场授权。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_1For internal use 1供内部使用1Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_10For internal use 10供内部使用10Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_11For internal use 11供内部使用11Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_12For internal use 12供内部使用12Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_13For internal use 13供内部使用13Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_14For internal use 14供内部使用14Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_15For internal use 15供内部使用15Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_16For internal use 16供内部使用16Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_17For internal use 17供内部使用17Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_18For internal use 18供内部使用18Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_19For internal use 19供内部使用19Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_2For internal use 2供内部使用2Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_20For internal use 20供内部使用20Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_3For internal use 3供内部使用3Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_4For internal use 4供内部使用4Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_5For internal use 5供内部使用5Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_6For internal use 6供内部使用6Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_7For internal use 7供内部使用7Identification used for internal mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_8For internal use 8供内部使用8Internal identification used for mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
FOR_INTERNAL_USE_9For internal use 9供内部使用9Internal identification used for mapping purposes.用于映射目的的内部标识。
GDPAGeneral Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs (GDPA)阿富汗药务总署(GDPA)General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs (GDPA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Afghanistan - AF阿富汗药务总署(GDPA)负责管理阿富汗医疗产品的市场授权。
GTIN_12GTIN 12GTIN 12The 12-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a U.P.C. Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.12位GS1标识关键字,由一个U.P.C.公司前缀码、项目代码和校验位构成,用于识别贸易项目。
GTIN_13GTIN 13GTIN 13The 13-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a GS1 Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.13位GS1标识关键字,由一个GS1公司前缀码、项目代码和校验位构成,用于识别贸易项目。
GTIN_14GTIN 14GTIN 14The 14-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of an Indicator digit (1-9), GS1 Company Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.14位GS1标识关键字,由一个指标位(1-9)、GS1公司前缀码、项目代码和校验位构成,用于识别贸易项目。
GTIN_8GTIN 8GTIN 8The 8-digit GS1 Identification Key composed of a GS1-8 Prefix, Item Reference, and Check Digit used to identify trade items.8位GS1标识关键字,由GS1-8前缀码、项目代码和校验位构成,用于识别贸易项目。
HIBCHIBCHIBCHealth Industry Business Communication Barcode:  An alphanumeric identification number used as a common identifier within the healthcare industry across different locations. In the Netherlands, this code is managed by the European Health Industry Business Communications Council.医疗保健行业商业通信条码:是一种字母数字标识号,用作医疗行业内不同位置的共同标识符。在荷兰,该条码由欧洲医疗保健行业事务交流委员会负责管理。
ICCBBAICCBBAICCBBA ICCBBA is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) that manages, develops and licenses ISBT 128; the international information standard for the terminology, coding and labelling of medical products of human origin.  ICCBBA manage the allocation of globally unique identifiers to licensed facilities and maintain the ISBT 128 Standard, international databases for Facility Identification Numbers and Product Coding, supporting documentation, and educational materials.ICCBBA是一个管理和开发ISBT 128编码标准并发放相关许可的国际非政府组织(NGO);人体医疗产品术语、编码和标签国际信息标准。ICCBBA负责管理向许可厂商分配全球唯一的标识符并且维护ISBT 128标准、厂商识别号和产品编码国际数据库、辅助文档和培训材料。
INDUSTRY_ASSIGNEDIndustry Assigned由行业分配A unique proprietary identification number assigned by an industry sector association or other organisation, used to identify an item or service. Typically the association or organisation provides the industry sector with an identification number as key identifier of a type of trade item.由行业协会或其他组织分配的唯一专有标识码,用于标识商品或服务。通常,协会或组织为行业部门提供一个标识码,作为某种贸易项目的关键标识符。
INVIMAInstituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA)哥伦比亚国家药品食品监督局(INVIMA)Instituto Nacional de Vigilancia de Medicamentos y Alimentos (INVIMA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Colombia - CO哥伦比亚国家药品食品监督局(INVIMA)负责管理哥伦比亚医疗产品的市场授权。
INVIMAINVIMAINVIMANational Institute of Surveillance of Medications and Foods for Colombia. This organisation has developed a unique code of medications (CUM).哥伦比亚国家药品食品监督局。该组织开发了唯一药品代码(CUM)。
ISBN_NUMBERISBN numberISBN号International Standard Book Number:  A unique numeric commercial book identifier.国际标准书号:唯一的数字商业图书标识符。
ISSN_NUMBERISSN numberISSN号International Standard Serial Number:  unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication.国际标准连续出版物号:唯一八位数号码,用于识别各个印刷或电子期刊出版物。
JFDAJordan Food and Drug Administration约旦食品药品管理局Jordan Food and Drug Administration manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Jordan - JO约旦食品药品管理局负责管理约旦医疗产品的市场授权。
LMHPRALiberia Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority利比里亚药品和保健品管理局Liberia Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Liberia - LR利比里亚药品和保健品管理局负责管理利比里亚医疗产品的市场授权。
LOTTERY_GAME_NUMBERLottery Game Number彩票游戏编号Unknown未知。
LOTTERY_PACK_BOOK_NUMBERLottery pack book number彩票册书号A unique identifier for a book of shrink-wrapped lottery game tickets.由收缩薄膜包装的彩票册的唯一标识符。
MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBERManufacturer part number制造商零件编号The additional Trade Item Identification value populated is an identifier of a part used for an item.  While the name implies that the number is assigned by the manufacturer, the part may be built by one manufacturer to apply to another manufacturer’s item.  In this case this number is the applicable part number from the item’s manufacturer.  The part manufacturer numbers would be found with the type of MODEL_NUMBER, SUPPLIER_ASSIGNED, or DISTRIBUTOR_ASSIGNED.  For example, a 1957 car manufactured by Chevrolet has a part number AB123 which is the driver’s door handle.  A secondary manufacture produces an equivalent or Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part with their number of 57-123CHEV.  This value would be the AB123 to signify that it is that equivalent.制造商用于某个组件的唯一标识符。
MCAZMedicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ)津巴布韦药品管理局(MCAZ)Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Zimbabwe - ZW津巴布韦药品管理局(MCAZ)负责管理津巴布韦医疗产品的市场授权。
MCCMedicines Control Council (MCC)南非医药管理委员会(MCC)Medicines Control Council (MCC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in South Africa - ZA南非医药管理委员会(MCC)负责管理南非医疗产品的市场授权。
MDLMDLMDLThe Canadian Medical Device License (MDL) is required for companies which sell Class II, III, and IV medical devices in Canada. The MDL is a product approval and should not be confused with the MDEL which is a permit for the company/distributor itself.在加拿大销售二类、三类和四类医疗器械的公司需要获得加拿大医疗器械许可证(MDL)。MDL是一项产品批准,不应与MDEL混淆,MDEL是针对公司/经销商本身的一个许可证。
MINSAMinisterio de Salud - Direccion de Farmacias (MINSA)尼加拉瓜卫生部药房管理局 (MINSA)Ministerio de Salud - Direccion de Farmacias (MINSA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Nicaragua - NI尼加拉瓜卫生部药房管理局 (MINSA)负责管理尼加拉瓜医疗产品的市场授权。
MISAUDepartamento Farmacêutico-MISAU莫桑比克卫生部药品管理局Departamento Farmacêutico-MISAU manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Mozambique - MZ莫桑比克卫生部药品管理局负责管理莫桑比克医疗产品的市场授权。
MODEL_NUMBERModel Number型号The additional Trade Item Identification value populated is an identification number which defines the configuration of the product in addition to the Item number.  This is typically printed or otherwise attached to an item.  In electronics, this number is typically found around or near a serial number.贸易项目的其他标识号,用于定义除产品编号之外的产品配置。这通常是印或贴在产品上的。在电子数据中,这个数字通常与序列号一起展示。
MOH_AOMinistry of Health (MOH) Angola安哥拉卫生部Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Angola - AO安哥拉卫生部(MOH)负责管理安哥拉医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_BBMinistry of Health (MOH)  Barbados 巴巴多斯卫生部 Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Barbados - BB巴巴多斯卫生部负责管理巴巴多斯医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_BWDrugs Regulatory Unit (DRU) of the Ministry of Health (MOH)博茨瓦纳卫生部药品监督管理部门Drugs Regulatory Unit (DRU) of the Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Botswana - BW博茨瓦纳卫生部药品监督管理部门(DRU)负责管理博茨瓦纳医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_GYMinistry of Health - Guyana 圭亚那卫生部Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guyana - GY圭亚那卫生部负责管理圭亚那医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_MAMinistry of Health - Morocco 摩洛哥卫生部Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Morocco - MA摩洛哥卫生部负责管理摩洛哥医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_MRMinistry of Health: Pharmacy and Laboratory毛里塔尼亚卫生部药房及实验室管理局Ministry of Health: Pharmacy and Laboratory manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Mauritania - MR毛里塔尼亚卫生部药房及实验室管理局负责管理毛里塔尼亚医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_RWMinistry of Health - Rwanda 卢旺达卫生部Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Rwanda - RW卢旺达卫生部负责管理卢旺达医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_SZMinistry of Health (MOH) Swaziland斯威士兰卫生部Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Swaziland - SZ斯威士兰卫生部负责管理斯威士兰医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_TJMinistry of Health - Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦卫生部Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Tajikistan - TJ塔吉克斯坦卫生部负责管理塔吉克斯坦医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_TTChemistry Food and Drugs Division/Ministry of Health (CFFD/MOH)特立尼达和多巴哥卫生部化学食品药品司Chemistry Food and Drugs Division/Ministry of Health (CFFD/MOH) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Trinidad and Tobago - TT特立尼达和多巴哥卫生部化学食品药品司(CFFD/MOH)负责管理特立尼达和多巴哥医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_UGNational Drug Authority乌干达国家药品管理局National Drug Authority manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Uganda - UG乌干达国家药品管理局负责管理乌干达医疗产品的市场授权。
MOH_UZMinistry of Health - Uzbekistan乌兹别克斯坦卫生部Ministry of Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Uzbekistan - UZ乌兹别克斯坦卫生部负责管理乌兹别克斯坦医疗产品的市场授权。
MOHSWMinistry of Health & Social Welfare冈比亚卫生和社会福利部Ministry of Health & Social Welfare manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Gambia - GM冈比亚卫生和社会福利部负责管理冈比亚医疗产品的市场授权。
MOPH_NEMinistry of Public Health尼日尔公共卫生部Ministry of Public Health manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Niger - NE尼日尔公共卫生部负责管理尼日尔医疗产品的市场授权。
MOPH_TDMinister of Public Health: Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires乍得公共卫生部药房、药品及实验室监督管理局Minister of Public Health: Direction de la Pharmacie, du Médicament et des Laboratoires manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Chad - TD乍得公共卫生部药房、药品及实验室监督管理局负责管理乍得医疗产品的市场授权。
MRAMedicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) Palestine巴勒斯坦药品监督管理局(MRA)Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Palestine, State of - PS巴勒斯坦药品监督管理局(MRA)负责管理巴勒斯坦医疗产品的市场授权。
MRA_PGMedicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) Papua New Guinea巴布亚新几内亚药品监督管理局(MRA)Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Papua New Guinea - PG巴布亚新几内亚药品监督管理局(MRA)负责管理巴布亚新几内亚医疗产品的市场授权。
MRA_SSMedicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) South Sudan 南苏丹药品监督管理局(MRA) Medicines Regulatory Authority (MRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in South Sudan - SS南苏丹药品监督管理局(MRA) 负责管理南苏丹医疗产品的市场授权。
MSDUnidad de Medicamentos y Tecnología en Salud (MSD)玻利维亚药品与卫生技术处(MSD)Unidad de Medicamentos y Tecnología en Salud (MSD) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Bolivia - BO玻利维亚药品与卫生技术处(MSD)负责管理玻利维亚医疗产品的市场授权。
MSPDireccion General de Drogas y Farmacias del Ministerio de Salud Pública (DGDF/MSP)多米尼加共和国公共卫生部药品药房总署(DGDF/MSP)Direccion General de Drogas y Farmacias del Ministerio de Salud Pública (DGDF/MSP) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Dominican Republic - DO多米尼加共和国公共卫生部药品药房总署(DGDF/MSP)负责管理多米尼加共和国医疗产品的市场授权。
MSPAS_CGMinistère de la Santé Publique et des Affairs Sociales: Direction des Pharmacies, du Médicament et des Laboratoires 刚果公共卫生和社会事务部药房药品及实验室监督管理局 Ministère de la Santé Publique et des Affairs Sociales: Direction des Pharmacies, du Médicament et des Laboratoires  manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Congo, Republic of - CG刚果公共卫生和社会事务部药房药品及实验室监督管理局负责管理刚果共和国医疗产品的市场授权。
MSPAS_GTMinsiterio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social/Departamento de Regulación y Control de Productos Farmacéuticos y Afines (MSPAS)危地马拉公共卫生和社会援助部/药品及相关产品管制司(MSPAS)(MSPAS)Minsiterio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social/Departamento de Regulación y Control de Productos Farmacéuticos y Afines (MSPAS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Guatemala - GT危地马拉公共卫生和社会援助部/药品及相关产品管制司(MSPAS)(MSPAS)负责管理危地马拉医疗产品的市场授权。
MSPBSMinisterio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSPBS)巴拉圭公共卫生与社会福利部(MSPBS)Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (MSPBS) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Paraguay - PY巴拉圭公共卫生与社会福利部(MSPBS)负责管理巴拉圭医疗产品的市场授权。
NABCA_PRODUCT_CODENABCA product codeNABCA产品代码A product code issued by the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association in the United States.由美国国家酒精饮料控制协会发布的产品代码。
NADFCNational Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC)印度尼西亚国家药品食品管理局(NADFC)National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Indonesia - ID印度尼西亚国家药品食品管理局(NADFC)负责管理印度尼西亚医疗产品的市场授权。
NAFDAC_NGNational Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)尼日利亚国家食品药品监督管理局(NAFDAC)National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Nigeria - NG尼日利亚国家食品药品监督管理局(NAFDAC)负责管理尼日利亚医疗产品的市场授权。
NANNANNANNordic Article Number is a 6 digit identification number needed on all human and veterinary pharmaceuticals licensed in Sweden. The number is unique for a certain packages. A NAN can be valid in one to five Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland) depending on if the package fulfils some basic criteria.北欧物品编码(NAN)是指适用于瑞典许可的所有人类药品和兽类药品的6位数标识号。该号码对于每个特定包装均为唯一编号。当药品包装符合一些基本标准的情况下,一个北欧物品编码在1-5个北欧国家(瑞典、丹麦、挪威、芬兰和冰岛)有效。
NCMNational Center for Medicines, Medical Devices and Medical Equipment Expertise哈萨克斯坦国家药品、医疗器械及医疗设备中心National Center for medicines, medical devices and medical equipment expertise manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Kazakhstan - KZ哈萨克斯坦国家药品、医疗器械及医疗设备中心负责管理哈萨克斯坦医疗产品的市场授权。
NMFANational Medicines and Food Administration厄立特里亚国家药品食品管理局National Medicines and Food Administration manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Eritrea - ER厄立特里亚国家药品食品管理局负责管理厄立特里亚医疗产品的市场授权。
NMPB_SDNational Medicines and Poisons Board (NMPB)苏丹国家药品及毒药管理局(NMPB)National Medicines and Poisons Board (NMPB) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Sudan - SD苏丹国家药品及毒药管理局(NMPB)负责管理苏丹医疗产品的市场授权。
NMRA_LKNational Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA)斯里兰卡国家药品监督管理局(NMRA)National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Sri Lanka - LK斯里兰卡国家药品监督管理局(NMRA)负责管理斯里兰卡医疗产品的市场授权。
NMRCNamibia Medicines Regulatory Council纳米比亚药品监管委员会Namibia Medicines Regulatory Council manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Namibia - NA纳米比亚药品监管委员会负责管理纳米比亚医疗产品的市场授权。
NPNNPNNPNThe Natural Health Product Number: Identifies the trade item as a natural health product and the number is assigned by a regulatory health organization for example the Health Canada - Natural Health Products Directorate (Health Canada).天然保健产品编号将贸易项目标识为天然保健产品,该编号由一个卫生监管组织分配,例如,加拿大卫生部天然健康产品局(Health Canada)。
NSNNSNNSNUN/ECE Rec 24  - Fully Adopted by GS1联合国欧洲经济委员会推荐标准24——被GS1全部采用。
NUMERO_RDNRDNRDNAn identification number assigned by the Italian Ministry of Health to medical devices treated by the national health system由意大利卫生部向国家卫生服务体系的医疗器械分配的标识号。
NZ_MEDICINES_TERMINOLOGY_CODENZ Medicines Terminology Code新西兰医学术语代码For medicines used within NZ healthcare, the code assigned by NZULM (New Zealand List of Medicines). The NZ Medicines Terminology Code on the NZULM website is referred to as the SCTID (Snomed Concept ID).由NZULM(新西兰药品目录)针对新西兰医疗保健系统内使用的药品分配的代码。NZULM网站上的新西兰医学术语代码被称为SCTID(Snomed概念代码)。
PBSLPharmacy Board of Sierra Leone塞拉利昂药房管理委员会Pharmacy Board of Sierra Leone manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Sierra Leone - SL塞拉利昂药房管理委员会负责管理塞拉利昂医疗产品的市场授权。
PCOJPharmacy Council of Jamaica (PCoJ)牙买加药房委员会(PCoJ)Pharmacy Council of Jamaica (PCoJ) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Jamaica - JM牙买加药房委员会(PCoJ)负责管理牙买加医疗产品的市场授权。
PHARMACODE_CHPharmacode CHCH药品代码A national drug code for Switzerland assigned by e-mediat AG, Bern. The identification number based on the standard Code39 and is used in the whole Swiss healthcare market.由位于瑞士伯尔尼的E-mediat AG公司所分配的瑞士国家药品代码。基于标准Code39的标识号,适用于整个瑞士医疗保健市场。
PIRCPharmaceutical Inspectorate and the Registration Committee苏里南药物督察及注册委员会Pharmaceutical Inspectorate and the Registration Committee manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Suriname - SR苏里南药物督察及注册委员会负责管理苏里南医疗产品的市场授权。
PLUPLUPLUA number used to indicate a price look up for an existing random weight item. This is only used for items that have been assigned an industry PLU or proprietary PLU and that are utilized through a weighing system through the scales at the back or the front registers.随机重量贸易项目的价格检索编码。它仅用于已获得行业PLU码或专有PLU码的项目,且此类项目均通过由注册机后部或前部的称重系统进行测量。
PMPBPharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board马拉维药房、药品及毒药管理委员会Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Malawi - MW马拉维药房、药品及毒药管理委员会负责管理马拉维医疗产品的市场授权。
PPBPharmacy and Poisons Board肯尼亚药房及毒药管理委员会Pharmacy and Poisons Board manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Kenya - KE肯尼亚药房及毒药管理委员会负责管理肯尼亚医疗产品的市场授权。
RVGRVGRVG(Register Verpakte Geneesmiddelen): An identification number provided by the Institute for Drug Evaluation (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen – CBG) in the Netherlands. This number is used as the main identification for all drugs that have been approved by the CBG for distribution within the Netherlands.包装药品注册号:由荷兰药品评估研究所(College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen - CBG)提供的一个标识号。该号码用作经CBG批准在荷兰境内销售的所有药品的主要标识号。
RVHRVHRVH(Register Verpakte Homeopatische Geneesmiddelen): An identification number provided by the Institute for Drug Evaluation (College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen – CBG) in the Netherlands. This number is used as the main identification for all homeopathic drugs that have been approved by the CBG for distribution within the Netherlands.顺势疗法包装药品注册号:由荷兰药品评估研究所(College ter Beoordeling van Geneesmiddelen – CBG)提供的一个标识号。该号码作为经CBG批准在荷兰境内销售的所有顺势疗法药品的主要标识号。
SAN_4SAN 4SAN 4A nationally set standard trade item number for a variable measure trade item. The SAN-4 is a four-digit number that uniquely identifies a weight trade item according to its country of origin.  This short number is incorporated into the 13 digit GTIN symbol in combination with the weight, quantity or price.针对变量贸易项目在全国范围内统一设置的标准贸易项目编号。SAN-4是一个四位数编号,用于根据其原产地唯一识别各个称重贸易项目。该短号码结合重量、数量或价格被纳入13位GTIN符号之中。
SBDMASupreme Board for Drugs & Medical Appliances也门药品及医疗器械最高委员会Supreme Board for Drugs & Medical Appliances manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Yemen - YE也门药品及医疗器械最高委员会负责管理也门医疗产品的市场授权。
SCDMTEThe Scientific Centre of Drug and Medical Technologies Expertise (SCDMTE)亚美尼亚药品及医疗技术专业科学中心(SCDMTE)The Scientific Center of Drug and Medical Technologies Expertise (SCDMTE) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Armenia - AM亚美尼亚药品及医疗技术专业科学中心(SCDMTE)负责管理亚美尼亚医疗产品的市场授权。
SFDAState Food Drug Administration (SFDA)中国国家食品药品监督管理总局State Food Drug Administration (SFDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in China - CN中国国家食品药品监督管理总局(SFDA)负责管理中国医疗产品的市场授权。
SMDC_UAState Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control (SMDC)乌克兰国家医药管理局(SMDC)State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control (SMDC) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Ukraine - UA乌克兰国家医药管理局(SMDC)负责管理乌克兰医疗产品的市场授权。
SRAMAState Regulatory Agency for Medical Activities格鲁吉亚国家医疗活动监督管理局State Regulatory Agency for Medical Activities manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Georgia - GE格鲁吉亚国家医疗活动监督管理局负责管理格鲁吉亚医疗产品的市场授权。
SUPPLIER_ASSIGNEDSupplier Assigned由供应商分配The additional Trade Item Identification value populated has been developed and assigned by the party which provides service(s) and/or manufactures or otherwise has possession of the goods and consigns or makes them available in trade. This number is a base model or style number assigned to the product and may be the same for several GTINs where they are variations of each other.  For example a coffee mug with 3 GTINs one each for the brown mug, the white mug, and the black mug might all be the supplier assigned number of AB123.  Use of this value is recommended in the absence of a Model Number or Manufacturer’s Part Number. 由服务提供方和/或制造商或持有货物和寄售使其用于贸易的其他方进行开发和分配的其它贸易项目标识号。
TFDATanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA)坦桑尼亚食品药品监督管理局(TFDA)Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority (TFDA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Tanzania - TZ坦桑尼亚食品药品监督管理局(TFDA)负责管理坦桑尼亚医疗产品的市场授权。
WAND_NUMBERWAND Number新西兰WAND码The identification code assigned from the WAND (Web Assisted Notification of Devices) database.从 WAND(新西兰医疗器械网络通报系统)数据库分配的标识码。
Z_INDEXZ INDEXZ-Index编号An additional identification number used to identify all medical supplies and drugs in the Netherlands when managing reimbursements for the items. The Z-Index number is assigned to every product by Z-Index, which is a regulatory body in the Netherlands for the healthcare industry.用于在管理项目费用补偿时识别荷兰所有医疗用品和药品的一个额外标识号。Z-Index编号由荷兰医疗保健行业监管机构Z-Index分配给每个产品。
ZAMRAZambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA)赞比亚药品监督管理局(ZAMRA)Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority (ZAMRA) manages the market authorisation of healthcare products in Zambia - ZM赞比亚药品监督管理局(ZAMRA)负责管理赞比亚医疗产品的市场授权。
​NIIN​NATO Item Identification Number​北约物料标识符​The NATO Item Identification Number (NIIN) (Last Nine (9) Digits of an NSN) is the fixed part of the NSN, and it remains associated with the IoS concept throughout its life cycle. However, the NSC (First Four (4) Digits) may change if there is a revision of the IoS Classification structure.​北约物料标识符(NIIN) (NSN的最后九(9)位)是NSN的固定部分,它在整个生命周期中始终与IoS概念相关联。但是,如果IoS分类结构有修改,NSC(前四位数字)可能会改变。
​NAPPI​National Pharmaceutical Product Index​南非国家医药产品指数​National Pharmaceutical Product Index-  The National Pharmaceutical Product Index or NAPPI is a comprehensive database of medical products used in South Africa. Each product has a unique NAPPI code which enables electronic data interchange throughout the health care delivery chain in South Africa.




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