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AAAmylcinnamyl Alcohol 戊基肉桂醇Refers to the presence of Amylcinnamyl Alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明是否含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的戊基肉桂醇。
ABDTuna and its Derivatives金枪鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Tuna and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的金枪鱼及其衍生物。
ABEWalleye and its Derivatives碧古鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Walleye and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的碧古鱼及其衍生物。
ABFBarnacle and its Derivatives藤壶及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Barnacles and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的藤壶及其衍生物。
ABGCrab and its Derivatives螃蟹及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Crab and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的螃蟹及其衍生物。
ABHCrawfish and its Derivatives小龙虾及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Crawfish and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的小龙虾及其衍生物。
ABIKrill and its Derivatives磷虾及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Krill and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的磷虾及其衍生物。
ABJLobster and its Derivatives龙虾及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Lobster and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的龙虾及其衍生物。
ABKPrawns and their Derivatives淡水大虾和其衍生物Refers to the presence of Prawns and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的淡水大虾及其衍生物。
ABLShrimp and its Derivatives海水小虾及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Shrimp and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的海水小虾及其衍生物。
ACCrustaceans and Their Derivatives 甲壳类动物及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Crustaceans and their derivates in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的甲壳类动物及其衍生物。
AD3-Amino-2,4-dichlorophenol 3-氨基-2,4-二氯苯酚Refers to the presence of 3-Amino-2,4-dichlorophenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的3-氨基-2,4-二氯苯酚。
ADBBass and its Derivatives鲈鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of bass and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鲈鱼及其衍生物。
ADCAnchovy and its Derivatives鳀鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of anchovies and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鳀鱼及其衍生物。
ADECatfish and its Derivatives鲶鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of catfish and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鲶鱼及其衍生物。
ADFCod and its Derivatives鳕鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Cod and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鳕鱼及其衍生物。
ADGFlounder and its Derivatives比目鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Flounder and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的比目鱼及其衍生物。
ADHGrouper and its Derivatives石斑鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Grouper and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的石斑鱼及其衍生物。
ADIHaddock and its Derivatives黑线鳕及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Haddock and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的黑线鳕及其衍生物。
ADJHake and its Derivatives狗鳕及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Hake and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的狗鳕及其衍生物。
ADKHalibut and its Derivatives大比目鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Halibut and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的大比目鱼及其衍生物。
ADLHerring and its Derivatives鲱鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Herring and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鲱鱼及其衍生物。
ADMMahi mahi and its Derivatives鲯鳅鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Mahi Mahi and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鲯鳅鱼及其衍生物。
ADPPike and its Derivatives梭子鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Pike and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的梭子鱼及其衍生物。
ADQPollock and its Derivatives狭鳕及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Pollock and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的狭鳕及其衍生物。
ADRSalmon and its Derivatives鲑鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Salmon and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鲑鱼及其衍生物。
ADSSnapper and its Derivatives鲷鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Snapper and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鲷鱼及其衍生物。
ADTSole and its Derivatives鳎目鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Sole and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鳎目鱼及其衍生物。
ADUSwordfish and its Derivatives剑鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Swordfish and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的剑鱼及其衍生物。
ADVTilapia and its Derivatives罗非鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Tilapia and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的罗非鱼及其衍生物。
ADWTrout and its Derivatives鳟鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Trout and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鳟鱼及其衍生物。
AEEggs and Their Derivatives蛋及其衍生物Refers to the presence of eggs and their derivates in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的蛋及其衍生物。
AFFish and Their Derivatives鱼及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Fish and their derivates in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鱼及其衍生物。
AHAnise Alcohol 对甲氧基苄醇Refers to the presence of Anise Alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的对甲氧基苄醇。
AIAlpha-Isomethyl Iononeα-异甲基紫罗兰酮Refers to the presence of Alpha-Isomethyl Ionone also known as 3 Methyl-4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1-yl)-3-buten-2-on as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的α-异甲基紫罗兰酮,又名:3甲基-4-(2,6,6-三甲基-2-环己烯-1-基)-3-丁烯-2-酮 。
ALAmyl Cinnamal 戊基肉桂醛Refers to the presence of Amyl Cinnamal as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的戊基肉桂醛。
AMMilk and its Derivatives奶及其衍生物Refers to the presence of milk and their derivates in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的奶及其衍生物。
ANTree Nuts and Their Derivatives木本坚果及其衍生物Refers to the presence of tree nuts and their derivates in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName. Tree nuts can include almonds, hazelnut, walnut, cashews, etc.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的木本坚果及其衍生物。木本坚果包括杏仁、榛子、核桃、腰果等。
ANOPerch and its Derivatives河鲈及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Perch and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的河鲈及其衍生物。
APPeanuts and Their Derivatives花生及其衍生物Refers to the presence of peanuts and their derivates in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的花生及其衍生物。
ASSesame Seeds and Their Derivatives芝麻及其衍生物Refers to the presence of sesame seeds or their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的芝麻及其衍生物。
AUSulfur Dioxide and Sulfits 二氧化硫及亚硫酸盐Refers to the presence of sulfur dioxide and sulfits as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的二氧化硫及亚硫酸盐。 
AWCereals and Their Derivatives谷物及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Cereals containing gluten and their derivates in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的谷物及其衍生物。
AXOther gluten Containing Grain and Gluten Containing Grain Products 其他含麸质蛋白谷物及含麸质蛋白谷物制品Refers to the presense of other gluten containing grain and gluten containing grain products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的其他含麸质蛋白谷物及含麸质蛋白谷物制品。
AYSoybean and its Derivatives大豆及其衍生物Refers to the presence of soybeans and their derivates in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的大豆及其衍生物。
BABenzyl Alcohol 苯甲醇Refers to the presence of Benzyl Alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的苯甲醇。
BBBenzyl Benzoate 苯甲酸苄酯Refers to the presence of Benzyl Benzoate as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的苯甲酸苄酯。
BCCelery and its Derivatives芹菜及其衍生物Refers to the presence of celery or their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的芹菜及其衍生物。
BE2 (4-tert-Butylbenzyl)2(4-叔丁基苄基)Refers to the presence of 2 (4-tert-Butylbenzyl) also known as Butylphenyl Methylpropional as listed in the regulations specified in the AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName..表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的2(4-叔丁基苄基),又称丁苯基甲基丙醛。 
BFBeef and its Derivatives牛肉及其衍生物Refers to the presence of beef and its derivative in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的牛肉及其衍生物。
BIBenzyl Cinnamate 肉桂酸苄酯Refers to the presence of Benzyl Cinnamate as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的肉桂酸苄酯。
BMMustard and its Derivatives芥末及其衍生物Refers to the presence of mustard or their derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的芥末及其衍生物。
BNIsoeugenol异丁子香酚Refers to the presence of Isoeugenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的异丁子香酚。
BOd-Limonene右旋柠檬烯Refers to the presence of d-Limonene as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的右旋柠檬烯。
BPLinalool芳樟醇Refers to the presence of Linalool as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的芳樟醇。
BQMethyl Heptin Carbonate庚炔羧酸甲酯Refers to the presence of Methyl heptin carbonate as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的庚炔羧酸甲酯。
BR1,3-Bis-(2,4-diaminophenoxy)propane 1,3-双-(2,4-二氨基苯氧基)丙烷Refers to the presence of 1,3-Bis-(2,4-diaminophenoxy)propane as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的1,3-双-(2,4-二氨基苯氧基)丙烷。
BSBenzyl Salicylate 水杨酸苄酯Refers to the presence of Benzyl Salicylate as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的水杨酸苄酯。
CACinnamyl Alcohol 肉桂醇Refers to the presence of Cinnamyl Alcohol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的肉桂醇。
CLCinnamal 肉桂醛Refers to the presence of Cinnamal as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的肉桂醛。
CMChicken Meat and Their Derivatives鸡肉及其衍生物Refers to the presence of chicken meat and its derivative in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的鸡肉及其衍生物。
CNCitronellol 香茅醇Refers to the presence of Citronellol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的香茅醇。
COCoumarin 香豆素Refers to the presence of Coumarin as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的香豆素。
CSCotton Seeds and Their Derivatives棉籽及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Cotton Seeds or their derivatives in the product as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的棉籽及其衍生物。
CTCitral 柠檬醛Refers to the presence of Citral as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的柠檬醛。
DA2,6-Dimethoxy-3,5-pyridinediamine HCl 2,6-二甲氧基-3,5-吡啶二胺HClRefers to the presence of 2,6-Dimethoxy-3,5-pyridinediamine HCl as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的2,6-二甲氧基-3,5-吡啶二胺HCl。
DPDiaminophenols 二氨基苯酚Refers to the presence of Diaminophenols as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的二氨基苯酚。
EGEugenol 丁子香酚Refers to the presence of Eugenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的丁子香酚。
EPOak Moss Extract橡苔提取物Refers to the presence of Oak moss extract (Evernia Prunastri) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的橡苔提取物。
EVTreemoss Extract树苔提取物Refers to the presence of Treemoss extract (Evernia Furfuracea) as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的树苔提取物。
FAFarnesol 金合欢醇Refers to the presence of Farnesol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的金合欢醇。
FH4-Hydroxy-propylamino-3-nitrophenol 4-羟基-丙胺基-3-硝基苯酚Refers to the presence of 4-Hydroxy-propylamino-3-nitrophenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的4-羟基-丙胺基-3-硝基苯酚。
FT4-Amino-3-nitrophenol 4-氨基-3-硝基苯酚Refers to the presence of 4-Amino-3-nitrophenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的4-氨基-3-硝基苯酚。
GBBarley  and Barley Products大麦及大麦制品Refers to the presence of Barley and barley products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的大麦及大麦制品。
GEGeraniol 香叶醇Refers to the presence of Geraniol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的香叶醇。
GKKamut 卡姆小麦Refers to the presence of kamut and kamut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的卡姆小麦及卡姆小麦制品。
GLGlutamate and Their Derivatives谷氨酸盐及其衍生物Refers to the presence of glutamate and its derivative in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的谷氨酸盐及其衍生物。
GOOats 燕麦 Refers to the presence of oat and oat products  as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的燕麦及燕麦制品。
GSSpelt and Spelt Products斯佩耳特小麦及斯佩耳特小麦制品Refers to the presence of spelt and spelt products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的斯佩耳特小麦及斯佩耳特小麦制品。
HBHC Blue No 12 HC蓝12号Refers to the presence of HC Blue No 12 as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的HC蓝12号。
HCHydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde羟基异己基3-环己基甲醛HC Refers to the presence of Hydroxyisohexyl 3-Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde also known as Hydroxy-methylpentylcyclohexenecarboxaldehyde as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的羟基异己基3-环己基甲醛。
HDHC Blue No 11 HC蓝11号Refers to the presence of HC Blue No 11 as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的HC蓝11号。
HEHydroxybenzomorpholine 羟苯并吗啉Refers to the presence of Hydroxybenzomorpholine as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的羟苯并吗啉。
HHHydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenyldiamine) HCl 羟丙基双(N-羟乙基-P-苯二胺) HC1Refers to the presence of Hydroxypropyl bis(N-hydroxyethyl-p-phenyldiamine) HCl as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的羟丙基双(N-羟乙基-P-苯二胺) HC1。
HNHydroxyethyl-2-nitro-p-toluidine 羟乙基-2-硝基-p-甲苯胺Refers to the presence of Hydroxyethyl-2-nitro-p-toluidine as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的羟乙基-2-硝基-p-甲苯胺。
HP2-Hydroxyethyl-picramic Acid 2-羟乙基苦氨酸Refers to the presence of 2-Hydroxyethyl-picramic acid as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的2-羟乙基苦氨酸。
HXHexyl Cinnamaldehyde 己基肉桂醛Refers to the presence of Hexyl Cinnamaldehyde as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的己基肉桂醛。
HYHydroxycitronellal 羟基香予醛Refers to the presence of Hydroxycitronellal as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的羟基香予醛。
MH2-Methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol 2-甲基-5-羟乙氨基苯酚Refers to the presence of 2-Methyl-5-hydroxyethylaminophenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的2-甲基-5-羟乙氨基苯酚。
MLLactose 乳糖Refers to the presence of lactose as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的乳糖。
NCCocoa and its Derivatives可可及其衍生物Refers to the presence of cocoa and its derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的可可及其衍生物。
NEPeas and Pea Products 豌豆及豌豆制品Refers to the presence of peas and pea products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的豌豆及豌豆制品。
NKCoriander and its Derivatives胡荽及其衍生物Refers to the presence of coriander and its derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的胡荽及其衍生物。
NLLupine and its Derivatives羽扇豆及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Lupine and its derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的羽扇豆及其衍生物。
NMCorn and Its Derivatives玉米及其衍生物Refers to the presence of corn and its derivatives in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的玉米及其衍生物。
NPPod Fruits and Their Derivatives豆荚及其衍生物Refers to the presence of pod fruits and their derivates in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的豆荚及其衍生物。 
NRRye and Their Derivatives黑麦及其衍生物Refers to the presence of rye and their derivatives in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的黑麦及其衍生物。 
NWCarrots and Their Derivatives胡萝卜及其衍生物Refers to the presence of carrot and their derivates in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的胡萝卜及其衍生物。 
ON1-Naphthol 1-萘酚Refers to the presence of 1-Naphthol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的1-萘酚。 
PMp-Methylaminophenol 对甲氨基苯酚Refers to the presence of p-Methylaminophenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的对甲氨基苯酚。 
PNPine Nut and Their Derivatives松子及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Pine Nuts and their derivatives as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的松子及其衍生物。 
POPork and its Derivatives猪肉及其衍生物Refers to the presence of pork and its derivative in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的猪肉及其衍生物。 
PPp-Phenylenediamine对苯二胺Refers to the presence of p-Phenylenediamine in the product as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的对苯二胺。 
PSPoppy Seeds and Their Derivatives罂粟籽及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Poppy Seeds or their derivatives in the product as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的罂粟籽及其衍生物。 
SAAlmond and Almond Products 杏仁及杏仁制品Refers to the presence of almond and almond products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的杏仁及杏仁制品。 
SBSeed Products种子制品Refers to the presence of seed products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的种子制品。 
SCCashew and Cashew Products 腰果及腰果制品Refers to the presence of cashew and cashew products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的腰果及腰果制品。 
SDBeech Nuts and Their Derivatives山毛榉坚果及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Beech nuts [Fagus spp. (Fagaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的山毛榉坚果及其衍生物。 
SEButternuts and Their Derivatives胡桃仁及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Butternuts [Juglans cinerea (Juglandaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的胡桃仁及其衍生物。 
SFChinquapins and Their Derivatives北美矮栗仁及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Chinquapins [Castanea pumila (Fagaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的北美矮栗仁及其衍生物。 
SGGinkgo Nuts and Their Derivatives银杏果及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Ginkgo nuts [Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgoaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的银杏果及其衍生物。 
SHHazelnut and Hazelnut Products 榛子及榛子制品Refers to the presence of hazelnut and hazelnut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的榛子及榛子制品。 
SIHickory Nuts and Their Derivatives山胡桃仁及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Hickory nuts [Carya spp. (Junglandacease)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的山胡桃仁及其衍生物。 
SJShea Nuts and Their Derivatives乳木果及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Shea nuts [Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn. (Sapotaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的乳木果及其衍生物。 
SKPili Nuts and Their Derivatives霹雳果仁及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Pili nuts [Canarium ovatum (Burseraceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的霹雳果仁及其衍生物。 
SLLichee Nuts and Their Derivatives荔枝果仁及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Lichee nuts [Litchi chinensis Sonn. (Sapindaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的荔枝果仁及其衍生物。 
SMMacadamia Nut and Macadamia Nut Products夏威夷果及夏威夷果制品Refers to the presence of macadamia nut and macadamia nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的夏威夷果及夏威夷果制品。 
SNChestnuts and Their Derivatives栗子及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Chestnuts [Castanea spp. (Fagaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的栗子及其衍生物。 
SOCoconuts and Their Derivatives椰子及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Coconuts [Cocos (Arecaceae)] and their derivatives in the product, as listed as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的椰子及其衍生物。 
SPPecan Nut and Pecan Nut Products 美洲山核桃及其制品Refers to the presence of pecan nut and pecan nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的美洲山核桃及其制品。 
SQQueensland Nut and Queensland Nut Products 昆士兰坚果及其制品Refers to the presence of queensland nut and queensland nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的昆士兰坚果及其制品。 
SRBrazil Nut and Brazil Nut Products 巴西坚果及其制品Refers to the presence of brazil nut and brazil nut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的巴西坚果及其制品。 
SSSunflower Seeds and Their Derivatives葵花籽及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Sunflower Seeds or their derivatives in the product as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的葵花籽及其衍生物。 
STPistachio and Pistachio Products 阿月浑子果及其制品Refers to the presence of pistachio and pistachio products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的阿月浑子果及其制品。 
SWWalnut and Walnut Products核桃及其制品Refers to the presence of walnut and walnut products as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的核桃及其制品。 
SXPulses豆类Referes to the presence of pulses. An annual leguminous crop yielding from one to twelve seeds of variable size, shape, and color within a pod. Pulses are used for food and animal feed. The term "pulse", as used by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), is reserved for crops harvested solely for the dry seed. This excludes green beans and green peas, which are considered vegetable crops. Also excluded are crops that are mainly grown for oil extraction是指豆类植物。一年生豆科作物,在一个豆荚里生长1到12颗不同大小、形状和颜色的种子。豆类用作食品和动物饲料。联合国粮农组织(FAO)所使用的术语“豆类”被定义为收获干种子的作物。但不包括绿豆和豌豆,这两种豆类被视为蔬菜作物,也不包括主要用于提取油的作物。
TA3-Aminophenol 3-氨基苯酚Refers to the presence of 3-Aminophenol as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的3-氨基苯酚。 
TDToluene-2,5-diamine 甲苯-2,5-二胺Refers to the presence of Toluene-2,5-diamine as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的甲苯-2,5-二胺。
TRTriticale and Their Derivatives黑小麦及其衍生物Refers to the presence of Triticale and their derivatives as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的黑小麦及其衍生物。
UMMolluscs and Their Derivatives软体动物及其衍生物Refers to the presence of molluscs and their derivates in the product, as listed in as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的软体动物及其衍生物。
UNShellfish甲壳类动物Refers to the presence of shellfish as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的甲壳类动物。
UWWheat and Their Derivatives小麦及其衍生物Refers to the presence of wheat and their derivates in the product, as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName表明产品中含有属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的小麦及其衍生物。
X99Does Not Contain Declaration Obligatory Allergens 不含强制申报过敏原Does not contain declaration obligatory allergens as listed in the regulations specified in AllergenSpecificationAgency and AllergenSpecificationName.表明产品中不含属性“过敏源规范机构”和“过敏源规范名称”所指法规列出的强制申报过敏原。




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