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1_5_MM_MINI_STEREO_JACKA wired stereo headphone jack with an approximate diameter of 1.5 millimetres.近似直径1.5毫米的有线立体声耳机插孔。
3_5_MM_STEREO_HEADPHONE_JACKA wired stereo headphone jack with an approximate diameter of 3.5 millimetres.近似直径3.5毫米的有线立体声耳机插孔。
3_5_MM_STEREO_HEADPHONE_PROJECTED_JACKA headphone jack with a diameter of 3.5 millimetres.直径3.5毫米的耳机插孔。
4_PIN_4_PINA connector that allows for 4 pins on both sides of the connecting wire.允许连接线的两侧有4个引脚的连接器。
6_PIN_4_PINA connector that allows for 6 pins on one side and 4 pins of the connecting wire.允许连接线的一侧有6个引脚、另一侧4个引脚的连接器。
6_PIN_6_PINA connector that allows for 6 pins on both sides of the connecting wire.允许连接线的两侧有6个引脚的连接器。
A_ANot available.暂无定义。
A_BNot available.暂无定义。
ANALOGUEA connector that communicates analogue signals.一个传输模拟信号的连接器。
AVAny kind of electrical connectors for carrying audio signal and video signal of either analogue or digital format.以模拟或数字格式传输音频信号和视频信号的任何形式的电连接器。
BLUETOOTHA wireless protocol for exchanging data over short distances.短距离交换数据的无线协议。 
COAXIALAn electrical cable with an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer.内部导体被一个管状绝缘层包围的电力电缆。
COMPONENT_BNCA connector is used for radio frequency signal connections, for analogue and Serial Digital Interface video signals, amateur radio antenna connections, aviation electronics (avionics) and many other types of electronic test equipment.连接器用于无线电频率信号连接、模拟和串行数字接口视频信号、业余无线电天线连接、航空电子(avionics)和许多其他类型的电子测试设备。
COMPONENT_RCAA type of electrical connector commonly used to carry audio and video signals.一种通常用于传输音频和视频信号的电连接器。
DV_INPUTA digital video input.数字视频输入。
FIREWIREA serial bus interface串行总线接口。
HDMIA compact audio/video interface for transmitting uncompressed digital data.一个用于传输未压缩数字数据的紧缩音频/视频接口。
HUSHIDEN_YCA connector with separate lines for brightness (Y, luminance with synchronization data) and color (C, chrominance) via a 4-pin Hosiden connector.具单独线缆的连接器,通过4个引脚的日本星电连接器获得明度(Y,具同步数据的亮度)和颜色(C,色度)。
INFRARED_HEADPHONEA connection for head phones using electromagnetic radiation.采用电磁波的耳机连接。
LANLocal area network connector.局域网连接器。
MINI_HDMIA form of compact audio/video interface for transmitting uncompressed digital data.用于传输未压缩电子数据的一种紧缩音频/视频接口。
MINI_USBA form of Universal Serial Bus connector.一种通用串行总线连接器。
MONITORA connector used to connect systems with display monitors.用于连接带显示监视器的系统的连接器。
NETWORKA connector used to connect network applications.用于连接网络应用程序的连接器。
NOT_APPLICABLEA statement that an affirmative or negative response is not required for the attribute.无需对属性予以肯定或否定回答的声明。
OTHERA connection type not on otherwise on this list.不在该列表中的连接类型。
PERITEL_CGBSA peritel connector.Peritel连接器。
PERITEL_RGBA form of red, green, blue analogue component video.一种红、绿、蓝模拟分量视频。
PERITEL_YCA peritel connector for analog video transmission (no audio) that carries standard definition video typically at 480i or 576i resolution.用于模拟视频传输(没有音频)的peritel连接器,传输通常为 480i或576i分辨率的标清视频。
PHONEA connector used to connect to a telephone.用于连接电话的连接器。
PHONE_NETWORKA connector used to connect to a telephone network用于连接电话网络的连接器。
QXGAQuad eXtended Graphics ArrayQuad扩展图形阵列。
RADIO_FREQUENCY_HEADPHONEA headphone connection using radio frequencies as a means to communicate with the headphones.采用无线电频率作为与耳机进行通信的一种手段的耳机连接。
RCA_CINCHA type of electrical connector used in the audio/video market.用于音频/视频市场的一种电连接器。
RGB_ENABLED_SCARTA SCART connector  for  red, green, blue analogue component video.用于红、绿、蓝模拟分量视频的SCART连接器。
SCART21-pin connector for connecting audio-visual (AV) equipment together.将视听(AV)设备连接在一起的21针连接器。
SVGASuper Video Graphics Array高级视频图形阵列。
SVHSSuper VHS超级家用录像系统。
SXGASuper eXtended Graphics Array高级扩展图形阵列 。
SXGA_PLUSSuper eXtended Graphics Array Plus高级扩展图形阵列+。
USB_1_0Version 1.0 of Universal Serial Bus connector standard.通用串行总线连接器标准版本1.0。
USB_2_0Version 2.0 of Universal Serial Bus connector standard.通用串行总线连接器标准版本2.0。
UXGAUltra eXtended Graphics Array极速扩展图形阵列。
VGAVideo Graphics Array视频图形阵列。
WIRELESS_LANA Local Area Network connection that communicates without the use of wired connections.无需使用有线连接而进行通信的局域网连接。
WIRELESS_USBA Universal Serial Bus connector that communicates without the use of wired connections.无需使用有线连接进行通信的通用串行总线连接器。
WXGAWide Extended Graphics Array宽屏扩展图形阵列。
XGAExtended Graphics Array扩展图形阵列。
XGA_PLUSeXtended Graphics Array Plus扩展图形阵列+。
YUVA connector handling the YUV color space.处理YUV颜色空间的连接器。


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