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DRBBoat dredges船拖捞网Boat dredges船拖捞网。
DRHHand dredges手操网Hand dredges手操网。
DXDredges (not specified) (GS1 Code)拖捞网(未指定)(GS1代码)Dredges (not specified) (GS1 Code)拖捞网(未指定)(GS1代码)。
FARTraps: Aerial traps陷阱类:空中陷阱Traps: Aerial traps陷阱类:空中陷阱。
FCNCast nets投网Cast nets投网。
FGFalling gear (not specified)掩罩类(未指定)Falling gear (not specified)掩罩类(未指定)。
FIXTraps (not specified)陷阱类(未指定)Traps (not specified)陷阱类(未指定)。
FPNTraps: Stationary uncovered pound nets陷阱类:插笼网Traps: Stationary uncovered pound nets陷阱类:插笼网。
FPOTraps: Pots陷阱类:笼壶Traps: Pots陷阱类:笼壶。
FSNTraps: Stow nets陷阱类:帆式张网Traps: Stow nets陷阱类:帆式张网。
FWRTraps: Barriers, fences, weirs, etc.陷阱类:栅栏、围栏、鱼梁等Traps: Barriers, fences, weirs, etc.陷阱类:栅栏、围栏、鱼梁等。
FYKTraps: Fyke nets陷阱类:长袋网Traps: Fyke nets陷阱类:长袋网。
GENGillnets and entangling nets (not specified)刺网和缠刺网(未指定)Gillnets and entangling nets (not specified)刺网和缠刺网(未指定)。
GNGillnets (not specified)刺网(未指定)Gillnets (not specified)刺网(未指定)。
GNCEncircling gillnets旋刺网Encircling gillnets旋刺网。
GNFFixed gillnets (on stakes)定桩刺网Fixed gillnets (on stakes)定桩刺网。
GNSSet gillnets (anchored)定置刺网(锚定)Set gillnets (anchored)定置刺网(锚定)。
GTNCombined gillnets-trammel nets单层和三层混合刺网Combined gillnets-trammel nets单层和三层混合刺网。
GTRTrammel nets三重刺网Trammel nets三重刺网。
HMDMechanized dredges机械化拖捞网Mechanized dredges机械化拖捞网。
HMXHarvesting machines (not specified)收获机(未指定)Harvesting machines (not specified)收获机(未指定)。
LASurrounding Nets-  without purse lines (lampara)无括纲围拉网(伦巴拉围网)Surrounding Nets-  without purse lines (lampara)无括纲围拉网(伦巴拉围网)。
LHMHandlines and pole-lines (mechanized)手钓丝和竿钓丝 (机械化)Handlines and pole-lines (mechanized)手钓丝和竿钓丝 (机械化)。
LHPHandlines and pole-lines (hand-operated)手钓丝和竿钓丝(手动)Handlines and pole-lines (hand-operated)手钓丝和竿钓丝(手动)。
LLLonglines (not specified)延绳钓(未指定)Longlines (not specified)延绳钓(未指定)。
LLDDrifting longlines漂流延绳钓Drifting longlines漂流延绳钓。
LLSSet longlines定置延绳钓Set longlines定置延绳钓。
LNLift nets (not specified)敷网(未指定)Lift nets (not specified)敷网(未指定)。
LNBBoat-operated lift nets船上操作的敷网Boat-operated lift nets船上操作的敷网。
LNPPortable lift nets便携式敷网Portable lift nets便携式敷网。
LNSShore-operated stationary lift nets岸上操作的扳罾Shore-operated stationary lift nets岸上操作的扳罾。
LTLTrolling lines拖钓绳Trolling lines拖钓绳。
LXHooks and lines (not specified)3鱼钩和鱼线(未指定)3Hooks and lines (not specified)3鱼钩和鱼线(未指定)3。
LYSurrounding nets and lift nets (not specified) (GS1 Code)围网和敷网(未指定)(GS1代码)Surrounding nets and lift nets (not specified) (GS1 Code)围网和敷网(未指定)(GS1代码)。
MISMiscellaneous Gear各种各样的渔具Miscellaneous Gear各种各样的渔具。
NKGear Not Known or Not Specified不知道或未指定的渔具Gear Not Known or Not Specified不知道或未指定的渔具。
OTMidwater trawls: Otter trawls (not specified)中层拖网:网板拖网(未指定)Midwater trawls: Otter trawls (not specified)中层拖网:网板拖网(未指定)。
OTBBottom trawls - otter trawls底曳网——网板拖网Bottom trawls - otter trawls底曳网——网板拖网。
OTMMidwater trawls- otter trawls中层拖网——网板拖网Midwater trawls- otter trawls中层拖网——网板拖网。
OTTMidwater trawls: Otter twin trawls中层拖网:网板对拖网Midwater trawls: Otter twin trawls中层拖网:网板对拖网。
PSSurrounding Nets with purse lines (purse seines)括纲围网(大型围网)Surrounding Nets with purse lines (purse seines)括纲围网(大型围网)。
PS1Surrounding Nets - one boat operated purse seines围网——单船操作大型围网Surrounding Nets - one boat operated purse seines围网——单船操作大型围网。
PS2Surrounding Nets - two boats operated purse seines围网——双船操作大型围网Surrounding Nets - two boats operated purse seines围网——双船操作大型围网。
PTMidwater trawls: Pair trawls (not specified)中层拖网:双拖网(未指定)Midwater trawls: Pair trawls (not specified)中层拖网:双拖网(未指定)。
PTBBottom trawls - pair trawls底曳网——双拖网Bottom trawls - pair trawls底曳网——双拖网。
PTMMidwater trawls- pair trawls中层拖网——双拖网Midwater trawls- pair trawls中层拖网——双拖网。
RGRecreational Fishing Gear休闲渔具Recreational Fishing Gear休闲渔具。
SBSeine Nets: Beach seines围网:地曳网Seine Nets: Beach seines围网:地曳网。
SDNSeine Nets - Danish seines围网——旋回式曳网Seine Nets - Danish seines围网——旋回式曳网。
SPRSeine Nets - pair seines围网——双围网Seine Nets - pair seines围网——双围网。
SSCSeine Nets - Scottish seines围网——苏格兰围网Seine Nets - Scottish seines围网——苏格兰围网。
SVSeine Nets: Boat or vessel seines围网:船围网Seine Nets: Boat or vessel seines围网:船围网。
SXSeine nets (not specified)围网(未指定)Seine nets (not specified)围网(未指定)。
TBBottom trawls - bottom trawls (not specified)底曳网——底曳网(未指定)Bottom trawls - bottom trawls (not specified)底曳网——底曳网(未指定)。
TBBBottom trawls - beam trawls底曳网——桁拖网Bottom trawls - beam trawls底曳网——桁拖网。
TBNBottom trawls - nephrops trawls底曳网——螯拖网Bottom trawls - nephrops trawls底曳网——螯拖网。
TBSBottom trawls - shrimp trawls底曳网——虾拖网Bottom trawls - shrimp trawls底曳网——虾拖网。
TMMidwater trawls- midwater trawls (not specified)中层拖网-中层拖网(未指定)Midwater trawls- midwater trawls (not specified)中层拖网-中层拖网(未指定)。
TMSMidwater trawls- shrimp trawls中层拖网-虾拖网Midwater trawls- shrimp trawls中层拖网-虾拖网。
TXMidwater trawls: Other trawls (not specified)中层拖网:其他拖网(未指定Midwater trawls: Other trawls (not specified)中层拖网:其他拖网(未指定。




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