全球主数据标准服务平台  >>  电子代码类型  >> *联系人类型代码(ContactTypeCode)










AAInsurance contact保险事宜联系人Department/person to contact for matters regarding insurance.有关保险事宜的联系部门/人员。
ADAccounting contact会计事宜联系人The contact responsible for accounting matters.负责会计事宜的联系人。
AEContract contact合同事宜联系人Department/person to contact for matters regarding contracts.有关合同事宜的联系部门/人员。
AMClaims contact索赔事宜联系人Department/person to contact for matters regarding claims.有关索赔事宜的联系部门/人员。
APAccounts payable contact应付账款事宜联系人Department/person responsible for the accounts payable function within a corporation.负责公司内应付账款职能的部门/人员。
ARAccounts receivable contact应收账款事宜联系人Department/person responsible for the accounts receivable within a corporation.负责公司内应收账款的部门/人员。
BCBanking contact银行业务联系人Contact person for bank.银行联络人。
BJDepartment or person responsible for processing purchase order负责处理采购订单的部门或人员Identification of the department or person responsible for the processing of purchase orders.负责处理采购订单的部门或人员的身份。
BOAfter business hours contact办公时间后的联系人Department/person to contact after normal working hours.在正常办公时间后的联系部门/人员。
BVPProduction Facility生产设施General description of the contact for the trade item for example Production Facility 3对贸易项目联系人的一般描述,例如生产设施3号。
BXAAdministrative行政管理This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Administrative".此代码表明此联系人为“行政管理”类型。
BYFFinancial财务This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Financial".此代码表明此联系人的类型为“财务”。
BZLLicensee Registrar许可登记管理人The party having legal responsibility for the product in the target market. This party is responsible for licensing and regulations within the target market and can be the manufacturer, importer, sales agent or broker.对目标市场中的产品负有法律责任的一方。该方负责在目标市场内的许可和法规,可以是制造商、进口商、销售代理或经纪人。
CBChanged by更改人Person who made the change.做出更改的人员。
CKECook厨师Person responsible for cooking.负责烹饪的人员。
CPResponsible person for computer data processing计算机数据处理负责人Responsible person to contact for matters regarding computer data processing.有关电脑资料处理事宜的联系负责人。
CRCustomer relations客户关系Individual responsible for customer relations.客户关系的负责人。
CXCConsumer Support消费者支持The party which provides product support to the end user of a trade item or a service为某个贸易项目或服务的终端用户提供产品支持的一方。
CYCCustomer Support客户支持The party which provides product support to the trading partner party to which merchandise is sold. (GS1 Code)为购买商品的贸易伙伴提供产品支持的一方。(GS1代码)
CZLLogistics物流This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Logistics".此代码表明此联系人的类型为“物流”。
DEDepartment/employee to execute export procedures执行出口程序的部门/员工Department/employee which/who executes export procedures.执行出口程序的部门/员工。
DIDepartment/employee to execute import procedures执行进口程序的部门/员工Department/employee which/who executes import procedures.执行进口程序的部门/员工。
DISDistributor经销商Distributor: A person, firm, etc., engaged in the general distribution or marketing of some article or class of goods.经销商:从事某种物品或某类货物的一般分销或营销的一个人、公司等。
DLDelivery contact交货联系人Department/person responsible for delivery.负责交货的部门/人员。
DMOOperations运营This code specifies that this contact is of the type "Operations".此代码表明此联系人的类型为“运营”。
DNRRecall Support召回支持The contact where information about recalls for the item can be obtained. 可以提供有关该商品召回信息的联系人。
DOGGDS ContactGDS联系人The contact where information in relation to Data Synchronisation can be obtained.可以提供数据同步相关信息的联系人。
DPPPackaging engineer包装工程师The contact where information in relation to the packaging for the item can be obtained.可以提供有关该商品包装信息的联系人。
DQTTarget Market Information Provider目标市场信息提供者The contact information provider’s business contact within the target market for the GTIN. This is a different GLN than the Information Provider of the item of record.GTIN目标市场内联系信息提供者的业务联系人。这是一个与贸易项目的信息提供者不同的GLN。
DSUUnspecified未说明Value not stated.代码值未说明。
EDEngineering contact工程事宜联系人Department/person to contact for matters regarding engineering.有关工程事宜的联系部门/人员。
EXPExporter出口商Exporter: A business operator who provides goods or services that are sold to a foreign country or countries.出口商:提供商品或服务销售到外国的经营者。
GRGoods receiving contact货物接收联系人Department/person responsible for receiving the goods at the place of delivery.负责在交货地点接收货物的部门/人员。
HEEmergency dangerous goods contact紧急危险货物联系人Party who is to be contacted to intervene in case of emergency.在紧急情况下的联系方。
HGDangerous goods contact危险货物联系人Department/person to be contacted for details about the transportation of dangerous goods/hazardous material.关于危险货物/有害物质运输细节的联系部门/人员。
ICInformation contact信息咨询联系人Department/person to contact for questions regarding transactions.与交易有关的问题的联系部门/人员。
IMPImporter进口商Importer: A business operator who buys or brings in (goods or services) from a foreign country.进口商:从国外购买或引进(商品或服务)的经营者。
LOPlace of collection contact收集点联系人Department/employee to be contacted at the place of collection.在集合点需要联系的部门/员工。
MGRManager管理者Person responsible for management within a department or company.在一个部门或公司内负责管理的人员。
NTNotification contact通知联系人Department/employee to be notified.需要通知的部门/员工。
OCOrder contact订单联系人An individual to contact for questions regarding this order.与这个订单有关的问题的联系人。
PDPurchasing contact采购联系人Department/person responsible for issuing this purchase order.负责签发本采购订单的部门/人员。
PMProduct management contact产品管理联系人Department/person to contact for questions regarding this order.与本订单有关的问题的联系部门/人员。
PRCProduct Recall Notification Contact产品召回通知联系人Contact responsible for creating, issuing and updating the product recall notification.负责创建、发布和更新产品召回通知的联系人。
PRMProduct Recall Media Contact产品召回媒体联系人Contact who is responsible for providing information related to the product recall to media outlets.负责向新闻媒体提供有关产品召回信息的联系人。
PROProduct Recall Consumer Contact (GS1 Code)产品召回消费者联系人(GS1代码)Contact who is responsible for providing information related to the product recall to consumers.负责向消费者提供有关产品召回信息的联系人。
PRRProduct Recall Removal Contact产品召回删除联系人Contact responsible for creating and issuing the product removal message to the product recall contact.负责创建以及将产品删除消息发布给产品召回联系人的联系人。
QCQuality coordinator contact质量协调联系人Quality coordinator contact within an organization.组织机构内的质量协调联系人。
SASales administration销售管理Name of the sales administration contact within a corporation.公司内销售管理联系人的名字。
SDShipping contact航运联系人The shipping department contact within an organization.组织机构内的航运部门联系人。
SRSales representative or department销售代表或部门The sales representative or department contact within an organization.组织机构内的销售代表或部门联系人。
TATraffic administrator交通管理员The traffic administrator contact within an organization.组织机构内的交通管理员联系人。
TDTest contact试验联系人Department/person responsible for testing contact.负责试验的联系部门/人员。
TRTransport contact运输联系人Department/person in charge of transportation.负责运输的部门/人员。
WHWarehouse仓库The warehouse contact within an organization.组织内的库房联系人。
WLSWholesaler批发商Wholesaler: The business operator who sells goods to retailers in larger quantities than they are sold to final consumers but in smaller quantities than they are purchased from manufacturers.批发商:将商品出售给零售商的经营者, 出售量大于其出售给终端消费者的数量但是小于他们从厂商采购的数量。 
ZZZMutually Defined互定义A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.代码表中分配的临时使用的一种代码,并由贸易伙伴界定,直到一个精确的代码可以被分配到该代码表中。


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