全球主数据标准服务平台  >>  电子代码类型  >> *财务账户号码类型代码(FinancialAccountNumberTypeCode)










BBAN_IDENTIFICATIONBBAN IdentificationBBAN账户Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) is an internationally agreed means of identification bank accounts within a country. Release notes: New in version 2.基本银行账号(Basic Bank Account Number, BBAN)是国际公认的在一国境内识别银行账户的方法。版本注释:版本2中的新内容。
BUSINESS_ACCOUNTBusiness Account商业账户An identifying number or code assigned by issuing authorities to manage business activities. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.04A. (UN/CEFACT)发证机关为管理商业活动而分配的识别号码或代码。注:此代码值将在目录D.04A中删除(UN/CEFACT)。
BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_DEPOSITBusiness Account Deposit商业存款账户An identifying number or code assigned by issuing authorities to manage business activities. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.04A. (UN/CEFACT) Release notes: Marked for deletion in version 2.发证机关为管理商业活动而分配的识别号码或代码。注:此代码值将在目录D.04A中删除(UN/CEFACT)。版本注释:在版本2中标记为删除。
CHECKING_ACCOUNTChecking  Account支票账户US term corresponding to "current account" in the UK. A demand deposit account, withdrawals from which may be made by a written, negotiable instrument.美国术语,对应英国的“活期存款账户”。活期存款账户可以通过书面的、可转让的票据进行支取。
CHECKING_ACCOUNT_DEPOSITChecking  Account Deposit支票存款账户US term corresponding to "current account" in the UK. A demand deposit account, withdrawals from which may be made by a written, negotiable instrument. Release notes: Marked for deletion in version 2.美国术语,对应英国的“活期存款账户”。活期存款账户可以通过书面的、可转让的票据进行支取。版本注释:在版本2中标记为删除。
IBAN_IDENTIFICATIONIBAN IdentificationIBAN账户The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is an internationally agreed means of identifying bank accounts across national borders. Release notes: New in version 2.国际银行账号(IBAN)是一种国际公认的跨国界识别银行账户的方法。版本注释:版本2中的新内容。
TIME_DEPOSITTime  Deposit定期存款账户The resource value of a time deposit is the net amount due after penalties are imposed for early withdrawal. If the funds cannot be withdrawn before maturity, the time deposit is not a resource until it matures. Time deposits include but are not limited to certificates of deposit, savings certificates, and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Release notes: Marked for deletion in version 2.定期存款的资源价值是对提前支取罚款后应支付的净额。到期前不能提取的定期存款到期后才成为一种资源。定期存款包括但不限于定期存单、储蓄存单和个人退休账户。版本注释:在版本2中标记为删除。


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