全球主数据标准服务平台  >>  电子代码类型  >> *营养声称类型代码(NutritionalClaimTypeCode)










ADDEDAdded添加A claim stating that a substance (e.g. sugar) has been added to a food. 用于说明食品中添加了某一物质(例如糖)的声称。
CONTAINSContains含有A claim that a food contains the ingredient/nutrition/etc specified in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode. Note the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations.用于食品含有“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中指定成分/营养素的声称。注意,含量水平的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
ENRICHED_WITHEnriched With富含A claim that a food is enriched or fortified with the substance in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode. Note the amount that determines enrichment is based on target market regulations.用于食品富含“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中指定物质的声称。注意,富含水平的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
EXTRA_LEANExtra Lean超低脂The item is considered to be extra lean. USFDA criteria of this term can be found in 21 CFR at www.fda.gov. 该产品被认为是超低脂的。美国食品与药物管理局(USFDA)对这一术语制定的标准参见网站www.fda.gov上的《美国联邦法规》第21篇(21 CFR)。
FREE_FROMFree From不含A claim that a food is free from specific ingredient/nutrition/etc.in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode. Note the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations.用于食品不含“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中指定成分/营养素的声称。注意,含量水平的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
FRESHFresh新鲜The item is considered to be fresh.USFDA criteria of this term can be found in 21 CFR at www.fda.gov. 该产品被认为是新鲜的。美国食品与药物管理局(USFDA)对这一术语制定的标准参见网站www.fda.gov上的《美国联邦法规》第21篇(21 CFR)。
GUARANTEED_FREE_FROMGuaranteed Free From保证不含A claim that a food is regularly analysed to guarantee that the product is free from the substance in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode.声称会定期分析食品以保证食品不含“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中指定的物质。 
GUARANTEED_SOURCE_OFGuaranteed Source of保证含有A claim that a food is regularly analysed to guarantee that the product contains the substance in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode.声称会定期分析食品以保证食品含有“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中指定的物质。 
HEALTHYHealthy健康The item is claimed to be healthy. USFDA criteria of this term can be found in 21 CFR at www.fda.gov. 声称该产品是健康的。美国食品与药物管理局(USFDA)对这一术语制定的标准参见网站www.fda.gov上的《美国联邦法规》第21篇(21 CFR)。
HIGHHigh含量高A claim that a food is high in specific ingredient/nutrition/etc. and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations. In the case of foods naturally high in specific ingredient/nutrition/etc., the term "naturally" may be used as a prefix to this claim.用于特定成分/营养等含量较高的声称,以及对于消费者而言可能具有同样含义的任何声称。只有当含量水平符合目标市场法规规定的标准时才可以做出这样的声称。对于特定成分/营养等天然含量较高的食品,可以在声称中采用“天然”字样。
HIGH_POTENCYHigh Potency高效价Item is considered to be High Potency.  USFDA criteria of this term can be found in 21 CFR at www.fda.gov. 该产品被认为是高效价的。美国食品与药物管理局(USFDA)对这一术语制定的标准参见网站www.fda.gov上的《美国联邦法规》第21篇(21 CFR)。
INCREASEDIncreased增加A claim that a food is increased specific ingredient/nutrition/etc. and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations. In the case of foods naturally increased amount specific ingredient/nutrition/etc.in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode, the term "naturally" may be used as a prefix to this claim.用于特定成分/营养等含量增加的声称,以及对于消费者而言可能具有同样含义的任何声称。只有当含量水平符合目标市场法规规定的标准时才可以做出这样的声称。如果食品以天然的方式增加了“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中指定成分/营养素的含量,可以在声称中采用“天然”字样。
LEANLean低脂The item is considered to be lean. USFDA criteria of this term can be found in 21 CFR at www.fda.gov. 该产品被认为是低脂的。美国食品与药物管理局(USFDA)对这一术语制定的标准参见网站www.fda.gov上的《美国联邦法规》第21篇(21 CFR)。
LIGHT_LITELight Lite清淡/低热量A claim stating that a product is "light" or "lite", and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, shall follow the same conditions as those set for the term "reduced"; the claim shall also be accompanied by an indication of the characteristic(s) which make the food "light" or "lite".用于说明产品是“清淡的”或“低热量的”的声称,以及对于消费者而言可能具有同样含义的任何声称,并且应该遵循与术语“减量”所规定的条件相同的条件;该声称还应该指明食品的哪些特征保证了食品是“清淡的”或者“低热量的”。
LOWLow含量低A claim that a food is low in specific ingredient/nutrition/etc in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode. Any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations.用于“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定成分/营养等含量较低的声称,以及对于消费者而言可能具有同样含义的任何声称。只有当含量水平符合目标市场法规规定的标准时才可以做出这样的声称。
MADE_WITHMade With用……制成A claim that a food is made with specific ingredient/nutrition/etc. and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains the amount that determines containment is based on target market regulations.用于食品用特定成分/营养等制成的声称,以及对于消费者而言可能具有同样含义的任何声称。只有当含量水平符合目标市场法规规定的标准时才可以做出这样的声称。
NATURALNatural天然A claim that a food product does not contain synthetic or artificial ingredients.用于食品不含合成或人造成分的声称。
NATURAL_SOURCE_OFNatural Source of天然含有A claim that a food is a natural source of the substance in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode. Note the amount that determines if the product is a significant source of a given substance is based on target market regulations.用于食品天然含有“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定成分/营养等的声称。注意,特定物质的天然含量水平应符合目标市场法规规定的标准。
NO_ADDEDNo Added未添加A claim that the manufacturer has not added the substance in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode.用于说明食品中未添加“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定物质的声称。
NON_ALCOHOLICNon-alcoholic不含酒精A claim that a food contains no alcohol. Note the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations.用于说明食品中不含酒精的声称。注意,含量水平的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
PUREPureA claim that a food is Pure for a specific ingredient/etc. in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode or the trade item itself. Note the determination a product/ingredient is "Pure" is based on target market regulations.用于说明食品中含有的“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定成分或食品本身是“纯”的声称。注意,对于食品或其成分是否“纯”的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
REALRealA claim that a food contains "Real" not imitation, specific ingredient/trade item/etc.in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode or the trade item itself. Note the determination that a ingredient/trade item is "Real" is based on target market regulations.用于说明食品中含有的“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定成分或食品本身是“真”的而非人造/仿制的声称。注意,对于食品或其成分是否为“真”的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
REDUCED_LESSReduced Less减量/较少A claim that a food has a reduced amount of the substance in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode. Note the amount that determines a reduced amount is based on target market regulations.用于说明食品中含有的“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定物质为“减量”的声称。注意,对于是否“减量”的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
SOURCE_OFSource of……来源A claim that a food is a source of the substance in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode . Note the amount that determines containment is based on target market regulations用于说明食品是“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定物质的“来源”的声称。注意,含量水平的确定应以目标市场法规为准。
SWEETENED_WITHSweetened With用……增甜A claim that a food is sweetened with a specific ingredient/nutrition/etc. and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations.用于说明食品用了特定成分/营养来增甜的声称,以及对于消费者而言可能具有同样含义的任何声称。只有当含量水平符合目标市场法规规定的标准时才可以做出这样的声称。
UNSWEETENEDUnsweetened未加糖Without sugar or a similar substance having been added未添加糖分或类似物质。
VERY_LOWVery Low含量非常低A claim that a food is very low in specific ingredient/nutrition/etc in the nutritionalClaimNutrientElementCode Any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains the amount that determines containment or lack of containment is based on target market regulations.用于“营养声称营养元素代码”属性中特定成分/营养等含量非常低的声称,以及对于消费者而言可能具有同样含义的任何声称。只有当含量水平符合目标市场法规规定的标准时才可以做出这样的声称。


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