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BONUS_PACKThe free quantity promotional trade item contains free additional quantities. The additional quantity is written on the package as free.
FREE_COMPONENTSIt contains free included components or material. The price is lower since the trade item includes a part of its content free. The free quantity is written on the package.
FREE_GIFT_ATTACHEDFree_Gift AttachedA free object linked to the consumer trade item (not a sample) for example a free glass, or a free recipe book.
FREE_QUANTITYIt contains free quantity, a “special offer” sticker on the package indicates the promotional offer but the free quantity is not written on the package. If the free quantity promotional offer results in a change of GTIN and the quantity of product is the same as the standard trade item, it qualifies as a free quantity promotional trade item. The linkage has to be provided.
MULTI_PACK_AND_COMBINATION_PACKIt is a promotional grouping with included free quantity. The grouping is created for promotional activities only. In the grouping a part of the quantity is free.
SAMPLESampleA product that is not the product contained in the standard trade item but given together with the product of the standard trade item for free. This added product is contained in the package of the standard trade item or attached to it.
SPECIAL_PACKAGINGA new presentation for the consumer trade item for a promotion decided by the brand owner. It could be a special tin box to package the consumer trade item.


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