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4HMicrometre微米Micrometre: a millionth of a metre, also termed micron.微米:一微米等于一百万分之一米,也称作Micron。 
4NMegabecquerel兆贝可Megabecquerel: 106 Bq1 Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.兆贝可:106 贝可。放射性核素每秒有一个原子发生衰变时,其放射性活度即为1贝可。
59Part per million百万分率Parts per Million: One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per litre of water (mg/l) or 1 milligram of something per kilogram soil (mg/kg).百万分率:1 ppm相当于每升水中含某物1毫克(mg/l),或每千克土壤中含某物1毫克(mg/kg)。
64Pound per square inch - Gauge磅/平方英寸表压Pounds per square inch gauge: At sea level, Earth's atmosphere actually exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi. Humans do not feel this pressure because internal pressure of liquid in their bodies matches the external pressure. If a pressure gauge is calibrated to read zero in space, then at sea level on Earth it would read 14.7 psi. Thus a reading of 30 psig, on Earth, on a tire gauge represents an absolute pressure of 44.7 psi (lb/in²).磅/平方英寸表压:在海平面上,地球的大气实际上施加的压强为14.7 psi。人类之所以感觉不到这种压力,是因为他们体内的液压与外部压强相匹配。如果测压表经过校准在太空中读数为零,那么在地球的海平面其读数将为14.7 psi。因此,在地球上,若胎压计读数为30 psig,则表示绝对压强为44.7 psi(磅/平方英寸)。 
A86Gigahertz千兆赫兹Gigahertz: A unit of frequency equal to 109 Hertz千兆赫兹:频率单位,等于109 赫兹。
BQBecquerel贝可The becquerel (symbol Bq) is the SI derived unit of radioactivity. One Bq is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.SI uses the becquerel rather than the second for the unit of activity measure to avoid dangerous mistakes: a measurement in becquerels is proportional to activity, and thus a more dangerous source of radiation gives a higher reading. A measurement in seconds is inversely proportional.贝可(符号Bq)是放射性活度的国际单位制导出单位。放射性核素每秒有一个原子发生衰变时,其放射性活度即为1贝可。国际单位制使用“贝可”而非“秒”来作为活度单位是为了避免产生危险性衡量错误:贝可数与活度成正比,因此辐射源越危险,读数越高。而秒数与活度是成反比的。
BTUBritish Thermal Unit英热单位British thermal unit: The British thermal unit (BTU or Btu) is a traditional unit of energy. It is approximately the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. One Btu is equal to about 1.06 kilojoules. It is used in the power, steam generation, heating and air conditioning industries.英热单位:英热单位(BTU或Btu)是一种传统的能量单位。它大约是将一磅水加热一华氏度所需要的能量。1 Btu约等于1.06千焦耳。用于电力、蒸汽、热力和空调行业。
C18Millimole毫摩尔Millimole:1/1000 part of a mole (measure of the concentration of a solute).毫摩尔:一毫摩尔等于一千分之一摩尔(溶质浓度单位)。
C26Millisecond毫秒A millisecond (from milli- and second; abbreviation: ms) is a thousandth (1/1000) of a second.一毫秒(由毫和秒组成;简称:ms)等于一千分之一(1/1000)秒。
C34Mole摩尔Mole: A mole will possess mass exactly equal to the substance's molecular or atomic weight in grams. That is to say, a substance's atomic or molecular mass in atomic mass units is the same as its molar mass in grams. Because of this, one can measure the number of moles in a pure substance by weighing it and comparing the result to its molecular or atomic weight"摩尔(符号mol)是物质量的国际单位制基本单位,用来测量该物理量的几个单位之一。摩尔的质量正好等于这种物质的相对分子质量或相对原子质量,单位是克。也就是说,物质的摩尔质量与相对分子质量或相对原子质量在数值上相等。正因为如此,可以通过称重并将结果与其分子量或原子量进行比较来测量纯物质的摩尔数。
C8Cubic Decimetre立方分米Cubic Decimetre: A cubic decimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one decimetre (0.1 m).立方分米:一立方分米等于一个边长为一分米(0.1米)的立方体的体积。
CCCubic Centimetre立方厘米Cubic Centimetre: A cubic centimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one centimetre (0.01 m) equal to a millilitre.立方厘米:一立方厘米等于一个边长为一厘米(0.01 m)的正方体的体积,也等于一毫升。
CEDegrees Celsius摄氏度Degrees Celsius: Celsius (also historically known as centigrade) is a temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius (°C) and the boiling point 100 °C (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 100 degrees apart.摄氏度(在历史上也被称为centigrade)是一种温标。水的冰点是0摄氏度(°C),沸点是100°C(标准大气压),将水的沸点和冰点精确地分开100度。
CFCubic Foot立方英尺Cubic Foot: A cubic foot is the volume of a cube of side length one foot (0.3048 m).立方英尺:一立方英尺是一个边长为一英尺(0.3048米)的立方体的体积。
CGMCentigram 厘克Centigram: One hundredth (1/100) of a gram.一厘克为一百分之一(1/100)克。
CHDCentisimal Hahnemannian Dilution (CH)哈内曼百进制稀释级别(CH)Centesimal Hahnemannian Dilution (CH): "CH Centesimal Scale Attenuation - One millilitre (1.0 ml) of the first centesimal liquid attenuation (1C), or one gram (1.0 g) of the first centesimal trituration (1C) represents 0.01 gram (10.0 mg) of the dry crude medicinal substance. Subsequent liquid or solid attenuations are made by serial progression, succussing or triturating one (1) part of the preceding attenuation to 99 parts of the vehicle, and represent the following proportions of active principle (i.e., dried medicinal substance): 2CH = 10-4, 3CH = 10-6.哈内曼百进制稀释级别(CH):CH百进制等级稀释——1毫升(1.0 ml)第一次以液体稀释百分之一(1C)或1克(1.0 g)第一次研磨百分之一(1C)后等于0.01克(10.0 mg)的干药材。后续的液体或固体稀释是由一(1)份前一次稀释产物继续稀释、振荡或研磨至99份介质而产生的,相当于以下活性成分比例(即: 2CH = 10-4 , 3CH = 10-6
CICubic Inch立方英寸Cubic Inch: A cubic inch is the volume of a cube of side length one inch (0.254 m).立方英寸:一立方英寸是边长为一英寸(0.254米)的一个立方体的体积。
CLTCentilitre厘升A centilitre is one hundredth (1/100) of a litre.一厘升等于一百分之一(1/100)升。
CMCentimetre厘米Centimetre: A centimetre is equal to one hundredth of a metre.厘米:一厘米等于一百分之一米。
CMKSquare Centimetre 平方厘米Square Centimetre: an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 centimetre in length.平方厘米:一平方厘米等于各边长度正好为一厘米的一个正方形的面积。
DDDegree (Unit of Angle)度(角度单位)A measurement of plane angle, representing 1⁄360 of a full rotation; one degree is equivalent to π/180 radians.测量平面角的一个度量单位。一度等于旋转一周的角度的1⁄360,也等于π/180弧度。
DGDecigram分克Decigram: one tenth (1/10) of a gram.分克:一分克为十分之一(1/10)克。
E14Kilocalorie (international table)千卡(国际表)Kilocalorie (international table): A unit of energy equal to 1000 calories.千卡(国际表):能量单位,等于1000卡路里。
E27DoseDose: A unit of count defining the number of doses (dose: a definite quantity of a medicine or drug).剂:表示剂量数量的一个计数单位(剂量:一种药物或药品的定量)。
FAFarnesol 华氏度Degrees Fahrenheit: The Fahrenheit temperature scale, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the boiling point 212 °F (at standard atmospheric pressure), placing the boiling and freezing points of water exactly 180 degrees apart.华氏度:华氏温标,水的冰点是32华氏度(°F),沸点是212°F(标准大气压),水的沸点和冰点刚好相差180度。
FJSizing Factor估算因素Sizing Factor估算因素。
GRGramGram: One one-thousandth of the kilogram (1×10-3 kg).克:一克为一千分之一千克(1×10-3 千克)。
GRNGrain格令A grain or troy grain is precisely 64.79891 milligrams. Exactly 7,000 grains per avoirdupois pound.一格令或一金衡制格令正好等于64.79891毫克。每常衡磅正好等于7,000格令。
H79French gauge法国G号French Gauge: the unit of measure of the diameter. i.e. the diameter of a syringe (FR)法国G号:直径的度量单位,即注射器的直径(FR)。
INInch英寸Inch: An international inch is defined to be equal to 25.4 millimetres.英寸:一国际英寸被定义为等于25.4毫米。
INKSquare Inch平方英寸Square Inch: an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 inch in length.平方英寸:一平方英寸是一个各边长度正好为1英寸的正方形的面积。
JOUJoule焦耳Joule: the unit of work or energy, defined to be the work done by a force of one newton acting to move an object through a distance of one meter in the direction in which the force is applied.焦耳:功或能的单位,1牛顿力的作用点在力的方向上移动1米距离所作的功为1焦耳。
KELKelvin开尔文Kelvin: A unit of absolute temperature equal to 1/273.16 of the absolute temperature of the triple point of water. One kelvin degree is equal to one Celsius degree.开尔文:绝对温度单位,等于水的三相点绝对温度的1/273.16。1开氏度等于1摄氏度。
KVNKorsakovian (K)科尔萨科夫稀释级别(K)Korsakovian (K): K Centesimal Scale of Attenuation - One millilitre (1.0 ml) of the first centesimal liquid attenuation (1C), or one gram (1.0 g) of the first centesimal trituration (1C) represents 0.01 gram (10.0 mg) of the dry crude medicinal substance. Subsequent liquid or solid attenuations are made by serial progression, succussing or triturating one (1) part of the preceding attenuation to 99 parts of the vehicle, and represent the following proportions of active principle (i.e., dried medicinal substance): 2CH = 10-4, 3CH = 10-6.科尔萨科夫稀释级别(K):K百进制等级稀释——1毫升(1.0 ml)第一次以液体稀释百分之一(1C)或1克(1.0 g)第一次研磨百分之一(1C)后等于0.01克(10.0 mg)的干药材。后续的液体或固体稀释是由一(1)份前一次稀释产物继续稀释、振荡或研磨至99份介质而产生的,相当于以下活性成分比例(即: 2CH = 10-4 , 3CH = 10-6
KWHKilowatt Hour千瓦时Kilowatt hour:” a commercial unit of electric energy. One kilowatt hour represents the amount of energy delivered at a rate of 1000 watts over a period of one hour.千瓦时:能量单位,一千瓦时等于3.6兆焦。它也是一个常见的商用电能单位,表示每小时输送1,000瓦的能量。 
KWTKilowatt千瓦Kilowatt: a unit of power, equivalent to 1000 watts.千瓦:一千瓦等于一千(1000)瓦。
LTLitreLitre: A litre is defined as a special name for a cubic decimetre (1 L = 1 dm3 = 103 cm3).升:升为立方分米的特殊名称(1升 = 1立方分米=1000立方厘米)。
MAWMegawatt兆瓦Megawatt:  A unit of power defining the rate of energy transferred or consumed when a current of 1000 amperes flows due to a potential of 1000 volts at unity power factor.兆瓦:功率单位,指在单位功率因数下,1000安培的电流在1000伏电压下流动时造成能量传输或消耗的速率。
MCMicrogram微克Microgram: A microgram is one millionth of a gram (0.000001).微克:一微克等于一百万分之一克(0.000001克)。
MEMilligram毫克Milligram: A milligram is one thousandth of a gram (0.001).毫克:一毫克等于一千分之一克(0.001克)。
MHZMegahertz兆赫兹Megahertz: A unit of frequency equal to 106 Hertz兆赫兹:频率单位,等于106 赫兹。
MLMillilitre毫升Millilitre: one thousandth of a litre (0.001)毫升:一毫升为一千分之一升(0.001升)。
MLMMillesimal (LM)五万进制稀释级别(LM)Millesimal (LM): LM - Fifty Millesimal Scale Of Attenuation One millilitre (1.0 ml) of the first fifty millesimal attenuation (1LM) represents 6.20 x 10-11 of dry crude medicinal substance. Impregnate the lactose in a proportion of 1 to 100 beginning with the liquid substance (mother tincture), then triturate. The second and third triturations are carried out in the same way as when starting with solid products.五万进制稀释级别(LM):LM五万进制等级稀释——1毫升(1.0 ml)经第一次五万进制稀释(1LM)后等于6.20 x 10-11的干药材。以1:100的比例将乳糖浸渍在液体中(母亲酊),然后研磨。第二次和第三次研磨的方法与从固体产品开始时相同。
MMKSquare millimetre平方毫米Square Millimetre: an area of a square whose sides are exactly 1 millimetre in length.平方毫米:一平方毫米是一个各边长正好等于1毫米的正方形的面积。
MMQCubic millimetre立方毫米Cubic Millimetre: A cubic millimetre is the volume of a cube of side length one millimetre (0.001 m).立方毫米:一立方毫米是一个边长为一毫米(0.001米)的立方体的体积。
MTCMother tincture (Dry material)母酊剂(干物质)Mother Tincture: A count of a dry crude medicinal substance.  Mother tincture when used for homeopathic preparations are liquid preparations obtained by the solvent action of a suitable vehicle upon raw materials.  The raw materials are usually in the fresh form but may be dried.  Mother tinctures for homeopathic preparations may also be obtained from plant juices, with, or without the addition of a vehicle.母酊剂:医用干物质母酊剂的计数单位,用于顺势疗法制剂,是一种液体制剂,通过合适的介质对原料的溶解作用而获得。原料(药物)通常是新鲜的,但也可以是制干的。用于顺势疗法制剂的母酊剂也可以通过添加或不添加介质从植物汁液中获得。
OZOunce 盎司Ounce: A unit of mass with several definitions, the most commonly used of which are equal to approximately 30 grams.盎司:有几种定义的质量单位,其中最常用的一盎司约等于30克。
PALPascal帕斯卡Pascal: The pascal (symbol: Pa) is the SI derived unit of pressure, stress, Young's modulus and tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one newton per square metre.帕斯卡:帕斯卡(符号:Pa)是压强、压力、杨氏模量和抗张强度的国际单位制导出单位。它是单位面积的力的度量单位,1牛顿/平方米。
PDPad Pad: A unit of count defining the number of pads (pad: block of paper sheets fastened together at one end).本:计数单位,用来表示便笺簿数量(便笺簿:一头固定在一起的一叠纸张)。
PRPairPair: A unit of count defining the number of pairs (pair: item described by two's).双:计数单位,用来表示双数(双:两个为一双)。
SECSecondSecond: a unit of time equal to 1/60th of a minute.秒:时间单位,一秒等于1/60分钟。
SPSSample Per Second样本/秒Sample Per Second样本/秒。
U2Tablet Tablet: A unit of count defining the number of tablets (tablet: a small flat or compressed solid object).片:计数单位,用来表示片数(片:扁平或压扁的小固体物)。
Z52Usage使用次数Usage (e.g. in laundry, 24 usage)使用次数(如洗衣用语“可供使用24次”)。
mEq or milliequivalentsmEq or Milliequivalents毫当量mEq or milliequivalents- , the measure is used in terms of milliequivalents of solute per litre of solvent (or milliNormal  where mEq/L = mN). This is especially common for measurement of compounds in biological fluids; for instance, the healthy level of potassium in the blood of a human is defined between 3.5 and 5.0 mEq/L. To better be able to denote the units of measure for nutrients as used in business todaymEq或毫当量,是指1升溶液中所含溶质的毫当量数(或毫克当量,其中mEq/L = mN)。这在测量生物液体中的化合物时尤其常见;例如,人体血液中钾的健康水平定义在3.5到5.0 mEq/L之间。用于更好地表示当今商业领域中使用的营养素度量单位。


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