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GDSN Implementation Guide


The Initiative to Globally Share

Master Data of Medical Supplies for Epidemic Prevention & Control

The rapid development of science and technology has made the world seem as small as a village where all “villagers”, i.e., all human beings, share a future. We are enjoying great fruits and opportunities derived from our harmonious collaboration with each other, but we also need to work together to fight against unexpected disasters and crises. Any virus that causes severe infectious diseases that spread rapidly and widely, be it Smallpox, Ebola, or COVID-19, is the common enemy of all “villagers”. Suffering a lot from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, each "villager" should, and must, do his/her part to contain the spread of the virus, conquer the disease, and end this crisis as early as possible.
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, GS1 China has been sparing no effort in anti-epidemic work. Today, we launch The Initiative to Globally Share Master Data of Medical Supplies for Epidemic Prevention & Control, aiming to share our existing master data of Chinese anti-epidemic medical supplies with the world via GDSN, which enables any organization, company or individual to get such data as product information, images and production standards quickly. We hope our action contributes to a global solution to fight the pandemic.
Based on the global standard of GDSN, GS1 China Data Pool team sorted out the existing master data of products in the database and picked relevant data elements to form a set of standard master data attributes for anti-epidemic medical supplies. In addition to the existing data in our database, any organization could also ask trading partners to provide such set of data of other medical supplies through the global GDSN network.


In the data pool of GS1 China, there are more than 9000 anti-epidemic products available for data sharing from over 2000 selected Chinese suppliers. The data pool also offers an efficient GDSN solution for Chinese sellers to share master data of their specific anti-epidemic products with buyers across the world.

See the Workflow diagram and specific Steps below for the implementation process of the Initiative.


      1. 如果您目前还不是GDSN认证数据池的成员,请选择一个数据池来接收数据。
      1. Sign up with a GDSN-certified data pool provider and contact them to get data.
          1). GDSN认证数据池名单:https://www.gs1.org/gdsn/certified-data-pools
          1). You can find a list of GDSN-certified data pools at https://www.gs1.org/gdsn/certified-data-pools.
      2. 通过您的数据池(买方数据池)订阅中国物品编码中心数据池中现有的中国防疫物资商品主数据。如有不明事宜,请联系您的数据池客服人员。
      2. Create a subscription in your data pool (buyer’s data pool) to get existing master data of Chinese medical supplies for epidemic prevention & control. Contact your data pool provider for any information you might require to complete this step.
      3. 如果您需要特定供应商为您提供特定防疫物资商品主数据,请您或让您的中国供应商联系中国物品编码中心数据池。联系人:毛凤明;联系电话:+86(10)8429 5410;邮件地址:maofm@ancc.org.cn
      3. In case that you need a specific supplier to provide specific data for you, please directly contact or ask your Chinese supplier to contact GS1 China Data Pool (seller’s data pool). Contact: Fengming Mao; Tel.: +86(10)8429 5410; e-mail: maofm@ancc.org.cn.
          1). 请查看附件A中的属性指南,并将其分享给您的供应商,要求他们按照属性指南准备和填报数据。
          1). View the attribute guide in Annex A to learn about what data attributes you will receive, share this attribute guide with your specific suppliers, and ask them to prepare and publish data according to it.
      4. 通过GDSN进行响应,对您收到的数据给出反馈。如有不明事宜,请联系您的数据池客服人员。
      4. Manage Catalogue Item Confirmation (CIC) Responses to give your feedback on the data you receive. Contact your data pool provider for any education you might require to complete this step.

附件A: Annex-A-GDSN-Attribute-List-of-Medical-Supplies-for-Epidemic-Prevention-and-Control-v1.2-Jul2020.xls



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